Of all the wacky things I’ve seen coming out of this pandemic, it’s the photo  of Bruce Willis quarantining with ex-wife Demi  Moore and their kids. His daughter, Rumor, said that his current wife,  Emma  Hemming, is “just fine” with it. Really?  She’s all by herself with their two little girls,  while he’s partying with his ex and grown kids. On top of that, they brag about it , posting Instagram pictures of themselves in matching pajamas. Demi Moore has definitely upstaged Bruce Willis’ current wife.

Bruce Willis self isolates with ex wife Demi
How would you like it if your husband quarantined with his ex-wife? Demi upstages Bruce Willis’ wife on instagram.

I can see where Bruce might have gotten stranded  in his vacation home during the  coronavirus pandemic.  And one of his little kids had to go to the doctor, so his current wife had to do what mom’s do—stay home in LA and take care of the children..  Maybe they started out thinking it would only be a couple of weeks before they could be back together.   But two months?  If I’m the current wife, I’d be saying.  “Look, Bruce. You can either buy or rent a trailer, come get me, and help me quarantine with our little girls.”   But maybe, she didn’t really care.  If not, why?

The first thing that strikes you about Emma  is how much she looks like a younger version of Demi.  If it were me, that would make me kind of leery. .  Who wants to be a substitute/fill in for Wife #1.  Especially if he’d rather quarantine with her than me during the covid-19 outbreak. . On the other hand, Emma  might be glad to be rid of the guy.  Like:  Ok Demi, I don’t want to be stuck with Bruce 24/7, so could you take care of him for me?

At any rate, I’m sure she wasn’t expecting to see Demi maneuvering Bruce Willis into a photo shoot..  I mean, if there’s going to be a picture of my husband on the internet, it had better be with me and our kids—not Demi and their kids.  Anyway, everyone finally  got back together around May 4. Publicly, Emma seems to be a good sport about the whole thing.  But is she inwardly seething?  I think most women would be. But that’s Hollywood for you.

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