We’ve got a primary election coming up in our city on May 2.  So far, early voter turnout has been pathetic. According to our county clerk, only 2.2% of registered voters have shown up to vote  and there isn’t much time left. What’s keeping folks away from the polls?  Is it voter apathy or burn out?

The truth is, most of us don’t vote in primaries unless there’s something controversial on the ballot.  Like increased taxes for new schools, or whether or not we should allow a casino to move in and fleece the surrounding populace.  Those issues get people to the polls.  But most of us have found that no matter who we vote for, some things in the city never really change.

The city council is controlled by one  party, so naturally the other party is pretty much  staying at home. The current mayor represents the opposing party, but he’s been in office long enough to have a firm base of supporters who like things just the way they are.. As an Independent, I can’t see declaring a party affiliation just so I can vote in more of the same.

A perfect example is the on-going,  abysmall state of our side  streets and roads.  District councilmen live in these neighborhoods, but they do nothing to improve the pothole issue for their constituents.  And they’ve been getting away with it forever.  Folks in low income neighborhoods have learned not to expect much.

VOTER APATHY OR BURNOUT? No matter who is elected, the city streets remain the same
VOTER APATHY OR BURNOUT? Folks have learned that the potholes will remain long after the election.

Sometimes, they attempt to cover the potholes with lumpy piles of asphalt or whatever they use to avoid re paving a tire-killing street. The council dithers around about how to allocate taxpayer and other, unexpected sources of revenue. God forbid they would do anything to lower the profits of car dealerships and repair services.

A pothole can puncture your tire or bend or crack your wheel. It can damage your tire’s sidewall or belts. Even a minor impact may knock your vehicle out of alignment. A pothole strike can damage your shocks or struts, or harm your suspension. They can cause fluid leaks under your car. But never mind, your local  dealership or repair service will gladly fix all the damage..  Drivers pay an average of  $600  for pothole repair work . It’s  estimated one out of every ten drivers in 2021 sustained vehicle damage significant enough they needed immediate repairs after hitting a pothole.

Do local citizens believe that voting in the primaries will fix the city’s potholes?  No, they’ve given up on that years ago.  Which begs the question: Are voters apathetic or burned out?


One  good thing about all this rain we’ve had.  Flowers long dormant are blooming again,  and asparagus is plump and plentiful.  This is one of those rare treats that arrive to welcome spring.  It’s been a long winter, and by now you’re probably tired of tossed salads and fruited jello.  Now is the time to brighten your table  with colorful healthy asparagus salad.  Best of all, it only takes minutes to prepare:

Looking for an alternative to tossed salad? Try asparagus pimento salad.
COLORFUL, HEALTHY ASPARAGUS SALAD only takes minutes to maKe




2 lettuce leaves

10 asparagus spears

2 teaspoons diced pimento

1 sliced, hard boiled egg

Bottled thousand island dressing


Wash the asparagus, then trim off tough ends..  Don’t bother steaming or boiling; just place the asparagus in a shallow plastic storage container and cover with  water.  Cook in microwave for about six  minutes or when asparagus is crisp/tender. Run under cold water. Pat until dry..

On two salad plates, arrange asparagus on lettuce leaves.

Sprinkle about one teaspoon of diced red pimento over each serving.

Top with egg slices.

Drizzle with thousand island dressing


Asparagus is packed with nutrients, but low in fat and calories.  Better yet, it’s high in fiber

According to Web MD,

One half-cup serving (about 4 spears) of asparagus contains:

Asparagus is a good source of dietary fiber, which plays an important role in digestion. Insoluble dietary fiber acts as a prebiotic, feeding important gut bacteria, while soluble dietary fiber helps wash “bad” cholesterol out of your system.

Asparagus is also a good source of:

There are lots of ways to serve asparagus.  Cook in in the microwave with butter, and serve as a side dish.  Or, use it instead of broccoli in your favorite quiche recipe.

You can’t go wrong with asparagus!


Looks like neither Biden or Trump are very popular with voters.  And yet, those are the only names we hear as serious presidential candidates in 2024.  It’s hard  to believe that these could be our  choices  in the next  election.  Surely, there’s a young, smart  man or woman in all of these 50 states who could inspire Americans and salvage what’s left of this country.   Desperate for normal in 2024.

Desperate for Normal 2024. We must find a better candidate..
DESPERATE FOR NORMAL 2024. We need a better presidential candidate than either of these two.

As an octogenarian, I can get away with saying both Biden and Trump are way too old.  They might have a suntan or smear their faces with pancake makeup, but things aren’t working nearly so well inside their bodies.  Especially after 70, physical fraility begins to accerate.  There is no fountain of youth. While your kids  may say  you’re “sharp as a tack,”  they  don’t realize all of the aches and pain you’re trying to conceal as you navigate through the golden years.  Yes, your mind may be clear, but it doesn’t process information quickly.  Solving a crossword puzzle takes longer than it used to.

It comes on gradually and may not show up right away,  but  33% of those over 65  have Alzheimer’s dementia.  Let’s assume that both Trump and Biden are in that lucky 66% who will not develop the disease.  Pretend they are as fit as any 50 year old person.   Even if that were true, both of them have way too much baggage to command the respect needed to lead this country out of these troubled times.

Do we really want a president  who’s being charged with tax fraud, voter fraud, and Lord  knows what else?  On top of which, his personal life is a mess, with children by three different women and past relationships with porn stars and models.

Consider the alternative:  Does a man who smells women’s hair, has a son who does business with China, and abandons our servicemen in Afgahnastan have the credentials  needed to serve as president of these United States?

As an Independent voter, I throw up my hands.  What in the world is wrong with die hard Republicans and Democrats who can’t see that these men are way past their prime.  Both have done some good things ,  but now is the time for them to go .  A  younger, more , respectable   person must  lead  this country out of the quagmire that we’re currently in. We’re desperate for normal in 2024.


The United States Postal Service announced in August that they were discontinuing 1st class mail deliveries on Saturdays.  That sorta slipped by the general public, because we were still receiving junk mail and catalogs. Anyway, it didn’t  matter much to younger people, who tend to correspond mainly by email, texting or social media. But all of a sudden, we notice the postman may skip a day or two during the week.     Mail  delivery is slip sliding away , because The United States Postal Service is  a financial failure.

MAIL DELIVERY SLIP SLIDING AWAY. You may get nothing one day, and a pile of catalogs the next.

Unpredictable mail delivery  is the new norm. Some days, our  mailbox is  empty.  Maybe a package from Amazon.  Then, the mail begins to tricle in, day by day.  All of a sudden, you need a shopping bag to clear out your mailbox Apparently, they save up magazines and catalogs for once a week deliver.  I’m not sure how they make these decisions.  Most people look forward to receiving their mail in the morning or early afternoon.  This week, the postman stopped by here around dinner time.   I suspect he’s doing a double route.  Like everyone else, I guess the USPS is experiencing a labor shortage, but I’m not sure why.  It’s actually a pretty good gig.

Postal worker job requirements aren’t too tough. To get hired, you need to  have a high school diploma and be able to speak and understand English well. Employees must pass a written exam that covers address cross-comparison tasks, forms completion, memory and coding.

Once  hired, you must pass a  criminal background check and take a physical exam and drug test. You may be asked to show that you can lift and handle heavy sacks, depending on your position.  If you’re a mail carrier, you’ll need to have a safe driving record and pass a road test. The median annual wage for postal service workers in 2016 was $56,790, and they have excellent benefits (worth about 33% of wages) and a great retirement plan. .

Unfortunately, , unlike other government agencies, the USPS doesn’t receive taxpayer funding, and instead must rely on revenue from stamps and package deliveries to support itself. However, they don’t get to set their own postage rates—that’s up to Congress.

It’s no wonder that the USPS is a failing business, losing millions of dollars each year.  Seems to me Somebody up there in Washington DC ought to take a look at things and streamline the entire operation—even if we only get mail every other day. At least we could know what to expect, and when.

The Postmaster General  of the United States, General Louis DeJoy,  is appointed by a board of governors, not elected.  He’s had the job a couple of years, and he’s stil trying to straigten things out. I guess efficient  mail delivery is a low priority for the current administration.