Will Election 2020 End The Troubles?

Remember “the troubles” in Northern Ireland that went on for about forty years ?  We visited Belfast soon after the peace agreement was signed in 1998, but there was still plenty of tension .  In fact, as our tour bus entered the city, armed militia stopped us, and walked through the bus, checking for whatever?  Maybe to see if anyone had a gun?  Clearly the peace agreement between, British Loyalists and Irish Nationalists  hadn’t ended the troubles.  Will the 2020 election end the troubles in the USA?

People in America were lined up for hours on the first day of early voting yesterday.   Early voters are not undecided. Those who were  interviewed expressed strong feelings for their  candidate of choice..  While I applaud all the interest in voting, it makes you wonder what will happen,  no matter who wins.

If Trump wins, will women stop having abortions or go underground? Will the Black Lives Matter movement grow stronger?   Will rioting and protesting escalate out of control?

Will troubles end on election day?Or will they escalate no matter who wins.
Will Election 2020 End Troubles for America? It seems likely that it won’t.

If Biden wins, will Trump supporters  turn in their guns?  Will they  welcome immigrants flooding into  the country receiving free medical care? Will they meekly agree to another lockdown and shut down their businesses?  If none of the above, look for trouble.

There was another contentious election day back in 1960. A lot of people opposed  having a Catholic president, but he won, anyway.  The troubles didn’t end when John F. Kennedy was elected, then assassinated two years later.  In fact, what followed was an escalation of our involvement  in Vietnam– the longest war in American History.

Both Biden and Trump say they want to unite the country. That seems like wishful thinking. America’s troubles will not end on election day.

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