Even though I’ve tried to stop watching so much news, it seemed un American not to watch the first presidential debates.  But it wasn’t long before the two candidates–Biden and Trump–  began trading insults and yelling at each other, and my husband wanted to turn off the TV.  I owe him an apology.  Because I kept hoping things would get better, but they didn’t. Consequently, we stayed up way too late, compensated for our frustration by eating too much popcorn, and today, I’m coping with post debate depression.

In my freshman year of college, I was on a debate team.  If any student had behaved the way Trump and Biden did during the lst presidential debate, they would have been kicked out of the class, or if it was too late for that, received a resounding F on their report card.  You don’t interrupt.  You show respect for your opponent.  And hopefully, you bring some new research or an intelligent argument to the debate.  None of that happened last night.  We didn’t hear anything we hadn’t heard before.  Yes, we know all about Hunter Biden, and we know how Trump handled COVID-19.  There was absolutely no surprise, nothing at all to be learned. Except that we have a poor choice of whom to vote for come November.  Because neither candidate showed the slightest bit of class.

Only a masochist would want to watch the next debates.  If you like having nightmares and feeling like the world is a dreary place, that’s what you should do.  I don’t.  I want to feel cheerful and optimistic about the world my grandchildren will inherit.   Before that happens, I have  to get back that hopeful feeling.  Here’s how I’m planning to do that today.

First, a great big shopping trip wearing my pretty new cloth mask, sent to me by Humana. It’s soft, and has three layers, so I think it will give me good protection against covid-19.   If you don’t like shopping, this won’t help you one single bit.  But I do like to shop.  I’ll spend some time in my favorite supermarket, splurge on some gourmet food items,  and try a new recipe tonight.


a walk in the woods will help cope with post debate depression.
Coping with post debate depression: . A walk through the woods may help.

After lunch, I’ll close the shades and take a nap.  It’s going to be a sunny day, so when I awaken  I’ll probably drive down  to the river. When things go wrong in my life, I always head for  water.  I’ll sit on a bench and admire the bend in the river.  There’s going to be a good strong wind today, so I’ll dress warm enough to enjoy the cool cleansing breeze .  I’ll take a short walk in the woods.  And then, I’ll go home and start thinking about my new recipe..

And in a couple of days, I’m going to feel much better.

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