Most of us agree this has been a weird year, weather wise.  A long, hot summer extending into November, and lots of rain.  All of which has produced a bumper crop of acorns and walnuts falling from our neighbors’ trees and cluttering up our walkways. The squirrels have been busy, reaping the benefits.  For weeks now, they’ve been scampering across our fences and lawn with cheeks bulging.  They’re storing up food all over the place, and from the looks of it, they’ll have enough to last the winter. When you consider what’s going on in this covid-19 pandemic  world, it seems the squirrels are telling us something :  Stock up on food now, because it’s going to be scarce.

Empty shelves warn of coming scarcity. The squirrels are telling us something.
Squirrels are telling us something. Better stock up now, because food may be scarce this winter.

Many supermarket shelves have empty spaces, and what products are  available go up in price every week. I’ve recently noticed my shopping cart is much fuller than it used to be.  I’m not consciously emulating the squirrels, but I seem to be buying a lot more of everything. Instead of one can of vegetables or beans, I’m coming home with three or four. Probably have enough toilet paper to last until spring. It’s not actually hoarding, because that would mean I’m getting stuff I will never have a chance to use.

For example, during world war II sugar was rationed.  My mother’s best friend was childless, and apparently had more disposable income than we did. She and her husband began hoarding sugar in huge tin storage cans up in their attic.  Lift the lid on their piano bench and you could see it was packed to the brim with hard candy. They didn’t eat the candy, and the woman seldom baked.  As I remember, she never offered to share as much as a cup of her sugar. .

When the war was over, she invited me up to her attic to see all the sugar she had stored for the duration.  It was hard and lumpy, and I think it was drawing ants, so she threw it all away. The candy had melted together during the summer months with no air conditioning, and so it, too, went into the trash pit.

Squirrels are telling us something. Time to stock up for the winter.
Squirrels are telling us something. Now is the time to store food for the winter.

In comparison, my overbuying isn’t really what you would call hoarding.  I’m  just filling my cupboards to the brim.  Nothing will go to waste.  But  I’m bracing myself for a long hard winter of shortages and higher prices on everything we buy. The squirrels are telling us something.

Food shortages are coming.

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