Even though I’ve tried to stop watching so much news, it seemed un American not to watch the first presidential debates.  But it wasn’t long before the two candidates–Biden and Trump–  began trading insults and yelling at each other, and my husband wanted to turn off the TV.  I owe him an apology.  Because I kept hoping things would get better, but they didn’t. Consequently, we stayed up way too late, compensated for our frustration by eating too much popcorn, and today, I’m coping with post debate depression.

In my freshman year of college, I was on a debate team.  If any student had behaved the way Trump and Biden did during the lst presidential debate, they would have been kicked out of the class, or if it was too late for that, received a resounding F on their report card.  You don’t interrupt.  You show respect for your opponent.  And hopefully, you bring some new research or an intelligent argument to the debate.  None of that happened last night.  We didn’t hear anything we hadn’t heard before.  Yes, we know all about Hunter Biden, and we know how Trump handled COVID-19.  There was absolutely no surprise, nothing at all to be learned. Except that we have a poor choice of whom to vote for come November.  Because neither candidate showed the slightest bit of class.

Only a masochist would want to watch the next debates.  If you like having nightmares and feeling like the world is a dreary place, that’s what you should do.  I don’t.  I want to feel cheerful and optimistic about the world my grandchildren will inherit.   Before that happens, I have  to get back that hopeful feeling.  Here’s how I’m planning to do that today.

First, a great big shopping trip wearing my pretty new cloth mask, sent to me by Humana. It’s soft, and has three layers, so I think it will give me good protection against covid-19.   If you don’t like shopping, this won’t help you one single bit.  But I do like to shop.  I’ll spend some time in my favorite supermarket, splurge on some gourmet food items,  and try a new recipe tonight.


a walk in the woods will help cope with post debate depression.
Coping with post debate depression: . A walk through the woods may help.

After lunch, I’ll close the shades and take a nap.  It’s going to be a sunny day, so when I awaken  I’ll probably drive down  to the river. When things go wrong in my life, I always head for  water.  I’ll sit on a bench and admire the bend in the river.  There’s going to be a good strong wind today, so I’ll dress warm enough to enjoy the cool cleansing breeze .  I’ll take a short walk in the woods.  And then, I’ll go home and start thinking about my new recipe..

And in a couple of days, I’m going to feel much better.


Some of us have experienced more family dysfunction than we would care to admit.  The façade of the “perfect family” is one that’s carefully nurtured and preserved.  Politicians, especially, strive to  present such an image.  President  Barack Obama and Vice President Mike Pence represent the ideal  persona of happily married family men.  Unfortunately,  right now, Washington DC politicians are awash in a sea of family dysfunction.

Starting last year with Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. He’s the one who got kicked out of the Navy.  Nevertheless,  he made millions  for doing almost nothing in China and the Ukraine while his dad was VP.  Then, he got some show girl pregnant and refused to assume responsibility for the daughter she bore him.  She had to go to court and get a DNA test to prove paternity. But that’s all water over the dam.  He was proudly scheduled as a speaker at the DNC convention.

Things got really juicy in July when Donald Trump’s angry, disgruntled niece-from-hell,  wrote a tell-all book about the dysfunctional Trump family.   OMG! Senior Trump was a tyrant, an abuser, and  Lord knows what all.  Granny Trump opted out of motherhood—it was just too much for her.  And to top it all off, the oldest son was an alcoholic, and his kids didn’t get any more in the final Trump  will than the other  grandkids.  Well, Mary Trump  got even. She  went so far as to stir up some sibling rivalry, secretly recording big sissy Mary Anne complaining about baby brother.  I guess all of us rant and rave about our sibs at times, but we don’t expect it to be recorded for public consumption.

Back to Biden.  We know he likes to smell women’s hair.  That seems weird, but not exactly immoral.  What we didn’t know, until now, is that he had an affair with his wife , Jill, while she was still married to someone else.  Her ex husband is writing a tell all book to be released in October.

Speaking of affairs with a married person. Vice Presidential candidate,  Kamala Harris was 29 when she started an affair with 60 year old Willie Brown.  His being Speaker of the California State Assembly  made up for the age difference, I guess.  Trouble was, he had a wife and three children.

DC awash in sea of dysfunction. Kellyanne Conway & husband George finally quit their jobs to become parents.
DC Awash in Sea of Family Dysfunction. Kellyanne Conway and her husband finally quit their jobs to become parents.

Next, we  have the, most blatantly dysfunctional family  imaginable with Trump advisor, Kellyanne Conway.  Her husband started  a Super Pack,  called the Lincoln Project, to bash Trump.  I guess they must have been living separately.  We wondered where their four kids fit into all this, but last week, we found out.  Their teenage daughter went online to accuse them both of being losers and abusers as parents. Consequently, both Kellyanne and her husband George quit their jobs and presumably are trying to salvage what’s left of  their dysfunctional family.

Does it really matter to the voters?  Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and got impeached.   He’s been seen at the secret hideaway of sex offender Epstein, but they still had him speaking at the DNC convention.

Reporters  just love it all.  It gives them something  to rant and rave  about.  But after awhile, you wonder if politicians are a different breed.  You’d have to have a hide like a rhinoceros to survive.  Maybe all that family dysfunction toughened them up.

Remember the words of PT Barnum: “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”


Are there any professional mind readers out there?   If so, your services are desperately needed. Every impeachment is different, but this one is the weirdest of all.  The validity of the impeachment of  President Trump, and whether or not the FBI’s FISA Warrant was legal,  depends on what was on their minds at the time in question.  What were they thinking?


Only a mind reader could tell us what Comey and Trump were thinking.
It would take a true mind reader to know what Trump and Comey were thinking,

When the FBI used Christopher Steele’s dossier as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign, did James Comey  know it was a made up report? Did he  actually believe Carter Page was a Russian spy?.  If he was  truly  convinced  Page was a spy, then you can see he  felt justified in spying on the Trump campaign headquarters.

By the same token, did Donald Trump really believe that the Bidens were involved in a huge corruption /scandal in the Ukraine?  If that was his conviction, it would justify his demand for an investigation before we gave the Ukraine  $500 million dollars of  American taxpayer money.  The fact that Joe Biden was a potential running mate would have seemed irrelevant.  We just don’t know what was really on Trump’s mind, and neither does anyone else at this point.

So far, the FBI has gotten a free pass.  James Comey has not been indicted for committing a crime.  But Trump has been impeached by the Congress.

The similarities in the two circumstances are striking.

It’s kind of like someone who’s accused of  involuntary manslaughter. You’re driving in the dark and you see what you think  is a truck parked up ahead.  Not realizing that it’s actually a school bus, you keep going, and kill three school children crossing the highway.  This really happened in Indiana. Therefore, the driver of that car was convicted of murder  and sentenced to 4 years in prison.  The jury decided they knew what was on that woman’s mind.  They convicted her because they believed she knew it was a school bus and didn’t care.  Never mind that it was pitch black outside , she’d just crawled out of bed to take her nephew to a baby sitter, and might have been so sleep deprived that she honestly didn’t know she was bypassing a school bus.

What was really on James Comey’s mind when he used a fake report to get a FISA Warrant? What was President Trump thinking when he asked for the Ukraine/Biden investigation while 75 people listened in? And, incidentally, what was on Joe Biden’s mind when his son landed all those cushy jobs in the Ukraine and China?

All of us can guess, based on our political biases .  But we’ll never really know  what they were thinking.