We all agree that responsible parents nose around their children’s bedroom to find out what they might be doing wrong.   Eventually, they leave our house, get married, move away, start their own families, and we basically stop worrying about them.  But suddenly, when you turn eighty,  you see  signs that your children are checking on you.

Most parents of teenagers  will admit to inspecting  their room for  pot, cigarettes   condoms ,  pregnancy tests , alcohol, or  God-forbid, guns.  In the old days, parents would look for handwritten notes and letters, but it’s more difficult nowadays to check their texts and private Instagram account.  Yes, we were guilty of invading their privacy, but it seemed like a justifiable breach of ethics.  And, lets face it, parents who don’t know what’s going on in their kids private lives may end up finding out they’ve decided to take a gun to school and shoot someone.

But it comes as a surprise when you turn 80, and  the tables are turned.  Here are 7 signs  your adult children are checking on you.



1. Surprise visits.  This is especially telling if they don’t live nearby. Suddenly, they arrive at your door with no apology for getting you out of bed at 9 a.m., or catching you wearing a dirty tee shirt and sweat pants.

2.  Request that you drive them on an errand they could easily do on their own. At first, you wonder if they’re too cheap to use their own gas.  Then, you get it. The driving test is meant to determine whether you stay in the same lane, drive 10 miles an hours, run red lights, or pull out in front of oncoming cars. They might also question how  you got that dented fender  when someone hit you in the parking lot.

3.  Root around in your refrigerator.  Is it clean?  Are there  containers with moldy leftovers?  Do you have too many bottles of ketchup? (This indicates memory problems, because you forgot you already had  ketchup when you went to to the store.

4.  Investigate the papers  on your desk.  Usually, the child will wait until they think you’re busy with something else.   Then, you catch them going through your desk drawers and checkbooks.  They’re looking for  money management skills.  Do you pay your bills on time? Are there letters from creditors for overdue bills?

5.  Lengthy visits to both bathrooms.  According to experts, dirty bathrooms are the first sign a parent is losing it.  They might clean up the living room and make their beds if they know you’re coming, but if their eyesight is so poor, and their housekeeping so slovenly that they won’t clean their toilets or sink, much less scrub the floors, they’re losing it.

6.  The sniff test.  A prolonged hug, or unnatural closeness could mean they’re checking your personal hygiene.  How often do you bathe and wash your hair?  Do you wear clean clothes?  If you flunk this test,  they might ask if you need help taking a shower.

7.  Going through your medicine cabinet.  Do you have expired prescription drugs?  Dried up bottles of Pepto Bismo?  When they leave, you may find your medicine cabinet is half empty.

It’s irritating when you realize your children are turning the tables, sneaking around to check on you the way you did when they were teenagers.  But at least it means they care.

Just a word of advice:  If you know the kids are going to drop by, hide those extra bottles of ketchup in the frig and for heaven’s sake, clean your bathroom.


The holiday is over, and now you’re ready to step on the scales.  How much weight did you gain after all that dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, rolls and pumpkin pie?  The average Thanksgiving meal contains about 5,000 calories, which is more than you ordinarily consume in a couple of days. But,  before you take off your shoes, stop! Don’t weigh yourself today.

Thanksgiving meals are loaded with salt and sugar.  Both will make you retain fluids.  You may be holding an extra three or four pounds of water  in your body tissues.  It takes awhile to get rid of all that extra water, assuming that you resume your healthy , low sodium, low sugar diet.

Too much salt causes a flud buildup

In addition to the big family meals, you may have been on the road for a day or two visiting family.  How do you eat when you’re traveling?  Fast food, of course.  Who wants to waste time sitting in a restaurant when you are anxious to arrive at your destination before the weather gets worse.  Maybe you don’t ordinarily eat French fries, but they smell so good when you walk into Burger King. And how good are fries without salt?  Lots and lots of salt.  There you go, more fluid retained in your sluggish body cooped up for hours on end in a car, and no exercise whatsoever.

And so, if you step on the scales the minute you get home, you’re apt to be in for a shock. You don’t need that guilt trip just yet.  It could make you so depressed that you reach for a candy bar just to cheer yourself up.  For the rest of the week, eat lots of salads, vegetables, and lean meat.  Walk at least 30 minutes a day.

Okay, on Friday, it’s safe to step on the scales and find out how  much you weigh.  You may have gained a pound or two, but that’s doable.  It’s easier to diet away one pound, rather than four.

Now, you have a few weeks to prepare for those Christmas parties.   Reduce your caloric intake, and fix some carrot and celery sticks to keep in the frig in case you get hungry. Take advantage of sunny days to walk in the park.  The average person gains a total of six pounds over the holidays.  But that statistic needn’t include you!


Flu shots are a done deal.  Everyone has to get one. If you don’t, and you catch the flu, your friends and family will tell you it’s your own fault, and you won’t receive much sympathy.  You might even have to heat up your own bowl of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

Health care providers assure us that side effects seldom occur, and if they do, they’re minimal in the majority of cases.  They make  vague references to the possibility of  aches, pains, fever, and fatigue for “a couple of days,” after receiving the shot.

Even if it makes you sick, you must get it

I have always been in that unlucky minority that experiences unpleasant side effects after a flu shot..  When I was younger, I would have a stiff neck, fatigue, and a yucky feeling for two or three days.   And then,  about 10 years ago, I got the dreaded shot, endured the side effects, and proceeded to get the flu, anyway.  That’s not unusual, since the shot is at most , 60% effective. However,  after that nasty episode, I chose to avoid  flu shots, and happily, did not get the flu.  My husband always got a flu shot, and never got the flu, so he may have been inadvertently protecting me from the virus..

Last year was a wake up call for me.  No flu shot, as usual, and then, wowza!  I came down with the most miserable case of the flu I had ever experienced. Even though I stubbornly resisted calling the doctor,   I often wondered if I would make it through the night.

This year, I had to face  facts.  But I also knew I should make plans before I scheduled a flu shot.  Looking at my calendar, I found a week when I had nothing really important to do, or places I needed to go.  On a sunny Monday morning, I bravely walked into Walgreen’s where a pretty young pharmacist gave me a “senior” flu shot that didn’t hurt a bit. There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?

It  did not turn out as well as I had hoped. Seniors now get a really strong flu shot, which meant that my aches and pains were worse than before, accompanied by an upset stomach. So glad I planned ahead as to the best time to get my shot.

My husband had the same symptoms, and I hate to tell you, they lasted off and on for almost two weeks for both of us.  Talked to many seniors who had the same experience. It’s a dirty little secret that health care providers don’t want you to know about.  And it’s all because the shots stimulate your immune system, which isn’t in very good shape if you’re over 65.

Will I get the flu shot again?  Yes, because if I catch the  flu, it might be fatal  or  I could  infect  others.   But that doesn’t mean I have to like it


Why do we forget about ladybugs until it’s too late?  It happens every year.  We finally had our first frost in Indiana, and the fall colors began to brighten our landscape.  The days were cool, the air crisp and clear.   And then, hot weather returned, bringing The Annual Ladybug Invasion.

Ladybugs come in all colors

According to pest control experts, if you wait until ladybugs attach themselves to your house and windows, it’s too late.  You’re supposed to spray the southern  side of your house BEFORE they decide they want a warm place to spend the winter.  My husband’s computer is next to  a  glass door  leading to the deck.  Here, the ladybugs find some thin  opening and manage to crawl inside.  He sits with a fly swatter, batting away all afternoon.

If we open the door, it’s worse.  Swarms of lady bugs fly inside.  And don’t let anyone tell you they don’t bite.  Most of them don’t,  but some do, and we have the little red bite marks to prove it.  And their carcasses stink.  That’s why a lot of people call them stink bugs.  They need a lot of moisture to survive, and  after they get into your dry house during the winter, they die.  We use a hand vacuum to scoop up the dead ladybugs, but then they stink again.

There  must be something good about ladybugs.  Here’s what I found on the internet:  Ladybugs feed on aphids and other soft bodied insects that feed on plants. One ladybug can eat as many as 50 aphids a day.

Aphids are especially hard on roses.  In fact, some shops sell ladybugs to gardeners, who release them at a certain time of day to gobble up the aphids.  I don’t think we’re going to buy any.  I’ll take a can of rose spray to a box of ladybugs, any day. .


When I was a kid growing up in Indiana, we longed for rainy days in the summer.  We didn’t live near an ocean or lake, and didn’t belong  a country club, so the next best thing was rain.  At the first sound of thunder, we  put on our bathing suits, ran outside,  and danced in the rain.  It’s a wonder none of us were ever struck by lightning. Of course, parents today would be accused of child neglect if their kids danced in the rain.  But there are still eight things to love about a rainy day.

dancing in the rain

You can:

1.  Walk into a beauty shop and get a manicure or haircut, without an appointment , because most people are staying home. .

2.  Skip the car wash .  The rain cleans your dusty car.

3. Sleep late,  go to bed early , and wake up feeling refreshed.

4.  Binge on Netflix.  Only dummies  watch movies all day, right?  But you can justify it on rainy days, no matter how well educated you are.

5. Stay in your pajamas all day because no one is apt to drop by.

You don’t have to:

6.  Rake leaves or clean up the yard.  Just stay inside and read a good book

7.   Force yourself to go on a morning run/walk/bicycle ride when you really don’t feel like it.

8.  Attend that boring club meeting, because most people won’t show up.

Above all, do not clean closets, scrub floors, or catch  up on your filing.  Rainy days can be depressing enough without dull, boring chores.

Make Rainy days Fun Days!


When a successful person like Megyn Kelly suffers a setback,  people are apt to quote the biblical proverb, “Pride Goeth Before A Fall.”   The same thing could be said of someone who is too proud to  use a cane when they need one.

After reaching a certain age, an epidemic of falls begin to occur among  elderly friends, family, and acquaintances.  Just this week, I heard of four people  who were hospitalized with broken bones and/or  a concussion, due to a fall.  Only one of these four is known to use a cane. 

Unfortunately, once you’ve fallen, you’re more apt to fall again.  That’s because you lose your confidence, for fear that you will have another bad fall.  You feel unsure of yourself, maybe a little shaky, but you’re determined not to be seen in public with a cane.  I’ve been going through this cycle lately, and finally made the decision that I’d rather use a cane than suffer another fall.  It was a little embarrassing, especially when old friends  asked, “why are you using a cane?”  May I offer a piece of advice?  Don’t ask anyone that question.  I can assure you they wouldn’t be on a cane just for the fun of it.

Now, I’ve started physical therapy with the hope I can walk like I did just a few years ago.   But when I told my therapist my goal of caneless walking, she said that I might always need one when walking through the woods, or on uneven terrain.  It’s all part of aging gracefully, (but not willfully).

Sometimes, even a cane won’t do the job.  My husband is diabetic, has no cartilage in his knees, and little sensation in his feet. He must use a walker if he’s going to walk for any length of time.   Many people might find this humiliating, but I think just the opposite is true.  I’m immensely happy  that he’s facing facts, and cares more about his health than his appearance.

A friend of ours who has experienced at least two bad falls in the past few years, proudly stated, ‘I will never be seen on a walker.” If this scenario hits home, ask yourself these questions. Do you really  want to end up in the hospital or a nursing home, upsetting your family, and no longer seeing your friends?  All because you were too proud to use a walker?

And if you have a grandmother, mother, or aunt who could use a cane, there are lots of pretty canes that would make a great Christmas gift.


Whether you’re eight, eighteen, or eighty, getting to sleep can be a problem.  By the time you’re my age, you’ve probably tried everything imaginable to deal with occasional bouts of insomnia.

You see a lot of  over the counter sleep aids at the drugstore,  but most of them don’t help  me. Awhile back, someone tweeted about an amazing sleep aid  that worked wonders for her.   I rushed out to buy the product, but alas,  it kept me awake all night.   What a bummer!   Finding an OTC drug  to help you   sleep is a matter of trial and error..  What works for one person, doesn’t work for the other.   Prescription drugs can pose a worse problem.  Once, after my husband took a sleeping pill his doctor prescribed, I found him doing laundry at 2 a.m.  The next morning, he couldn’t remember anything about it.


Of course, there’s no way you’re going to sleep well if something traumatic  has happened in your life.  Those are the times you just have to endure until you make it through the storm.  But even minor upsets can increase anxiety and keep you awake.

Here are five things that help me through the night.

1. . No caffeine after noon.  For years, I had to have coffee with lunch.  I’ve heard many people say they can drink coffee after dinner, and it doesn’t bother their sleep.  Well, good for them.  When I lowered my caffeine intake, I began sleeping better.  A great alternative for an afternoon beverage is green tea.  It’s contains an amino acid called theanine, which is supposed to be soothing.

2.   A  warm foot bath in the evening  while  watching television  or reading a book relieves stress and anxiety.   Pamper yourself with a foot bath if you’ve had a really bad day.

3. A walk in the park during the day.   One half hour of fresh air, sunshine and exercise makes a big difference. Once, when I was going through a tough time,  I walked my way out of my anxiety.  There was even a tree that marked the spot where I could feel the tension leave my body.  Swimming is another great exercise, if you have access to a pool.  And even if you can’t swim, water walking or an aquatic exercise class clears your mind and strengthens your body.

4.  No depressing movies  or TV shows about war, abuse,, murder, etc. etc.  Those shows always give me nightmares.   I don’t need to be reminded that the world can be a miserable place.  Give me Dancing With The Stars (especially the one with little kids)  for sweet dreams.

5.  Cover the digital clock on my dresser and the one in the cable box under the TV.  There’s nothing worse than waking up at 2:00 a.m., rolling over, and  checking  every few minutes to see if you’ve gotten any more sleep, and how much.  Don’t worry, you will wake up when the sun rises.

There are numerous habits, foods, and troubles that can keep you awake.   But  remember, you are not alone!   At any given time,  people all over  the world  are struggling with insomnia.