So far, the Coronavirus scare has brought about some positive changes for Americans.   Good things sometimes happen in bad times. If you’re a senior on a fixed income, or someone with a steady job, these are 8 surprising benefits of the coronavirus outbreak. 

  1.  Low gas prices. If you’re still driving to work or running errands, the cost of filling your gas tank is going to come as a nice surprise.

2. Teleworking from home.   What a luxury.  Wearing pajamas all day.  Relaxing, using your own clean  bathroom, saving lunch money.  No commuting time means  much less stress.  It’s almost like a vacation.

One good thing about staying home during the crisis: more family meals together
One of the 8 surprising benefits of the outbreak is that families will eat more meals together at home,

3. Saving a pile of money if you social distance, and stay away from restaurants.   Have you ever figured out how much you spend on meals away from home?  The entrée  price may be low, but then,  there’s  the sneaky way  beverages add to the total bill.  A couple glasses of wine may cost more than the meal itself.  And the added taxes and the obligatory tip may increase your tab by 30%.   Now, you don’t have to feel like a cheapskate if you stop taking the family out to dinner.

4. Get reacquainted with family members.  Play scrabble or gin rummy.   You might even have meals  together.

5. Better health habits.  You’ll probably wash your hands more often, even when the crisis is over. Which means you will be less apt to get colds, flu, and other infectious diseases in the future..

6. Buy a new house.  Low interest rates means more people can afford a mortgage.

7. Cut down on  wasteful spending.  You don’t need a closet stuffed with clothes, a houseful of computers and TVs, and  a garage filled with extra  cars, boats and  motorcycles.

8,  Stop relying on paper goods. Cloth diapers and dishtowels could make a comeback. Anyone remember cloth napkins? We washed them once a week, and fastened them with clothespins bearing our names.

The good thing about being over 80 is that we learned  how to “make do” in hard times.  I hope you won’t come down with the coronavirus.  But whether  you do or don’t, you may find some comfort with these 8 surprising benefits.

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