If you live in this part of the country, you just got through one of the wildest snow storms we’ve endured for years.  At our age, we’ve lived through many such storms and blizzards.  Especially, my Nebraska-born husband.  However, we’ve been spoiled the past few years, with some fairly mild winters. We forgot what it’s like to live through one of those whoppers that left our trash cans frozen in a mound of hard, icy snow.  Housebound for  three days  seemed like an eternity for a person who likes to come and go as she pleases.  Nevertheless, we were grateful for 8  blessings in the  storm:

8 blessings in the storm: a gratitude list.
8 blessings in the storm: We made a gratitude list of everything that helped us endure the latest winter snow..

1. No power outage. . We called several stores to see if we could purchase a kerosene heater, but everyone  was sold out. Consequently, we were prepared to find a hotel room somewhere if we lost power..  At our age, we simply aren’t equipped to deal with all the inconveniences.  But for once, Duke Energy kept us all wired.  I don’t think anyone in our city lost power.

2. Children living nearby.  My girls live too far away to be of any help during a storm.  Fortunately, my husband’s twin sons are in town.  They called every day to see if we needed help, and even picked up our mail.  What a blessing to have adult children living in your same city

3. Hot beverages. Coffee in the morning, cocoa or tea  in the afternoon.  Sipping these warm  drinks  while watching the snow fall was so comforting.

4. Flannel sheets.  Nothing helps a good nights sleep on a snowy night so much as snuggling up in their warmth.  Go one step further and wear flannel jammies all day long.

     5 .I phone, with all its apps. Our newspapers weren’t delivered, but my trusty smart phone kept us informed of all the latest news. Also, there are several meditation apps.  I’ve been using Calm for years, and it’s helped through some rough times. It’s amazing what a few breathing exercises and inspirational messages can do for your peace of mind.

6..Library books. We loaded up on enough to get us through the storm.  There’s nothing cozier  than reading a best seller and sipping a cup of tea while the wind blows outside.

7. Amaryllis in Bloom.  Indoor bulbs are a beautiful way to brighten winter days.  Ours opened up  just as the snow started to fall.

8. Jigsaw puzzle.  As children in the post depression years, we always had one in progress  . Without  television, computers, or smart phones, these puzzles entertained us on dreary winter days . Modern technology rendered them obsolete.   But all of a sudden, we realized how much fun they are.  And they’re good for the aging brain!

When the snow  melts and the sun shines, we’ll remember these 8 blessings in the storm of 2022 with gratitude.

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