A couple of months ago, it looked like the Republicans were going to take over the Senate and Congress like a tidal wave.  That was before The Dobbs decision, overturning Roe vs. Wade.  Now, scads of people have changed their minds , and the Democrats couldn’t be any happier.  They’re pretty sure no body is going to vote for some prissy old Republican who says they can’t get an abortion.  On the other hand, the Grand Old Party wants to believe that inflation will be blamed on the Democrats, and folks are going to vote their pocketbooks.  Both pretty hot button issues.  What do you think?  Will sex or money decide the outcome of the November election.

Will sex or money decide election? It may depend on your age.
WILL SEX OR MONEY DECIDE ELECTION? Will voters vote their pocketbook or sex life?

Inflation is a no brainer.  They say it’s only running at 8 % but all of us know that we’re spending almost twice as much money on everyday expenses  as we did a few years ago. .  Obviously, the Covid- stimulus money is part of  the reason.  Then, we have the war in Ukraine, and Lord knows what all.  Student loan forgiveness.  Labor shortages,  Supply chain issues. Republicans are blaming it all on the tax and spend policies of the Democratic party and up until this month, they figured no body in their right mind would vote for a continuation of those policies.  Everybody wants inflation to end, especially those who are living paycheck to paycheck. .

Nevertheless,  most people of child bearing age would like to enjoy their sex life without having to worry about unwanted pregnancies.  None of them can remember a time when abortion wasn’t an option, but I can.  In fact, most single girls  were  virgins before the pill and Roe vs. Wade. because they had a mortal fear of getting pregnant.  When an unmarried woman was pregnant, the father was expected to marry her. Whether he liked it or not.  And if he didn’t, an illegitimate child would be a disgrace to the mother and her entire family. Some people did get abortions in places like New York City, but that was not an option for women in the rest of the country, unless they were very rich.

If you’ve reached the age where you read the daily obituaries, you see that most people over the age of 80 married at a young age….preferably, by the time they  were 21 years old.  Contraceptives were available, but they weren’t  reliable.   If you wanted to live together, you were supposed to get married.

So now, it looks like the younger people will have to make a decision.  Shall they vote for a Republican, in the hopes that it will put an end to  inflation?  Or will they go with the pro-choice policies of the Democrats?  I imagine it will  depend on your age  and how important a carefree sex life means to your overall happiness.  What is more important?  Love  or money?  We’ll find out in November.

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