Wordle has become very popular in the past few months. It’s on online word game that challenges you to find a five-letter word in six guesses – with a new puzzle  published every day.  To make it even more appealing, they offer you a chance to share your success at solving the puzzle on Facebook.  Yes, you can brag and impress everyone with how smart you are!  What could be better than that?  However, it turns out you can find hints online.   But should you cheat at Wordle?

Should you cheat at Wordle? If you do, don't brag about how smart you are.
SHOULD YOU CHEAT AT WORDLE? It’s not satisfying to win if you already have a hint.

Apparently Wordle has caught on with the younger crowd.   Haven’t heard a lot about the game in our town, but then, I don’t get around much anymore.  Anyway, I found it online and figured I would give it a try.  Two hours later, I was still stumped.  This gave me a great big inferiority complex.  Why were some of my Facebook friends able to solve it so easily?  Chalked it up to old age, which was pretty depressing.  I can still pay my bills and drive to the grocery store can’t I?  Is solving Wordle  out of reach for the average octogenarian?

My daughter came to town and challenged me to a game.  She solved it in three tries, but I gave up after six.  In my defense, this girl was a fantastic student. . I’m never going to be that smart.  Don’t know where she got her brains, but I don’t think from me.  Nevertheless,  I figured I would get on to it after awhile if I just stuck with it. The next day, I spent two hours before coming up with the right word after six tries (which is all you’re allowed)

I couldn’t believe how  my  Facebook friends  had solved it so quickly.    In desperation, I went on line and keyed in “Wordle hints.”  Okay, now we’re talking.  The clue yesterday was “cutting ties”.  I already knew that the winning word began with S, and used two vowels.  Voila!  Solved it in three tries. (SEVER)   And yet, it wasn’t very satisfying.  Kind of like cheating at golf or tennis.  I won’t regain my self esteem until I can solve a Wordle puzzle without finding the hint. But  It’s going to be a long, slow  learning curve.

At any rate, don’t always believe what you see on Facebook. The beautiful picture of your old girlfriend could be photoshopped.  And she may have had some help with solving the Wordle puzzle.   Should you cheat at Wordle?  Well, maybe just for starters.  But you’re only fooling yourself.

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