My mother never chewed a stick of gum in her entire life.  She said it was unladylike, and no decent female would engage in such an unattractive act.  The nuns at my parochial school (12 years) totally agreed.  If one were caught chewing gum, it would appear on their report card as a demerit, indicating a breach of proper conduct. Strange as it seems, smoking was actually more acceptable than gum chewing. Ladies smoked at home, at work, and in restaurants. That’s all changed now.  But what about that pack of Wrigley’s in your purse?   Should a lady chew gum?

Should a Lady Chew Gum: Or is it trashy?
SHOULD A LADY CHEW GUM? It actually has some surprising health benefits.

As we  grew into  teenagers, we relied on chewing gum..  If you were on a date with a member of the opposite sex, it  was your first line of defense against bad breath. if you thought you might get kissed, you were apt to slip a half a stick of gum in your mouth.  Take a few chews, move it to a corner of your mouth, and you were ready for close encounters.  Naturally, you would spit it out before getting back home.

A person who thoughtlessly  chews gum can prove very annoying to others.  Especially if you pop and crack it. And , it  certainly doesn’t improve your appearance when you look like a cow chewing its cud..  Consequently, there are times and places where  it’s better not to chew gum.

Nevertheless, drugstore counters are loaded with every brand and flavor of chewing gum you can imagine.   A lot of people are closet gum chewers.  And lately, I became one of them.  But why?

Believe it or not, there are health benefits to gum chewing.  In my case, I have sinus and eustachian tube issues.  It’s about the only thing that really helps clear the fluid in  my ears. Chewing gum  increases swallowing because it stimulates saliva production. Also, the chewing motion can  help to open the eustachian tubes.

Another health benefit is the prevention of tooth decay.  Chewing sugar free gum helps with dry mouth, prevents the build up of plaque, and may whiten your teeth. Dentists recommend chewing gum to prevent cavities. It also  reduces anxiety and increases concentration.   Taking an important test? Studies have shown that gum chewers score higher on written tests than their teeth gritting colleagues.  Chewing gum increases the blood flow and improves memory.

Should a lady chew gum?  Yes, when the occasion calls for it.

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