If you’re like a lot of folks during this pandemic, you took your family to an Apple Festival.  Enjoying the outdoors and munching on fresh, crisp apples sounded like a great escape back into normalcy.  You may have gotten so excited that you went overboard, and bought a whole bushel of apples.  Now, you’re wondering what to do with all of them.  Aside from everyone eating an apple a day, there are tons of yummy recipes.   Here one of my favorites:  Quick Fix Crunchy Apple Salad

Your Grandma used to call it Waldorf Salad.  It was a big favorite during  the holidays, because it went so well with turkey and dressing.  It was first introduced in 1893 at the famous  Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.  Consequently, it sounded very sophisticated.  However,  it’s one of the easiest salads you will ever make.

This traditional favorite is great for holidays. Quick Fix Crunchy Apple Salad.
Quick Fix Crunchy Apple Salad was called Waldorf Salad back in 1893.


Often, I make just  one serving  for my husband because he doesn’t like tossed salad very much.  Instead of following a recipe, I core and slice an apple, dice  half a stalk of celery, throw in 5 or six red grapes(cut in half), and  a handful of chopped walnuts. Then I  bind it all together with a couple tablespoons of  mayonnaise.  I don’t include salt, and he doesn’t seem to miss it.  But if you’re more comfortable following an actual recipe, here goes:





1/2 cup  mayonnaise (or plain yogurt)

2  tbsp.  lemon juice

¼ teaspoon salt (optional)

2 crunchy apples, cored and chopped.

1/2 cup red seedless grapes, sliced in half

1/2 cup diced celery

1/2  cup chopped walnuts.

Lettuce (optional)


In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise (or yogurt), lemon juice, and salt. Stir in the apple, celery, grapes, and walnuts. Serve in a small bowl, or on a lettuce leaf.

Serves 4

It’s important to use the right variety.  You don’t want to use softer, mushier apples.  Personally, I prefer tart apples like McIntosh and Jonathans.     When I can’t find those, Pink Lady is a good substitute.

Quick Fix Crunchy Apple Salad is easy and delicious.  I like it with mayonnaise, but if you’re calorie conscious, yogurt will work.


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