According to recent reports in Time magazine, scientists have been testing a new male birth control pill.  This will make women very happy?  I’m not sure.

The problem is that these pills have the same kind of side effects women have experienced with oral contraceptives. Nasty things like mood swings, bloating, depression, loss of libido,etc.  Here’s the thing, women have been putting up with fluctuating hormone levels forever and a day.  The cramps, headaches,  depression, and all the nasty symptoms of the monthlies.  So, the side effects of the birth control pills actually weren’t any worse than what they’ve gone through every month since puberty.

Now, scientists developing the new pill believe that men will take these same side effects in stride.  I would doubt that, because they never had to endure these uncomfortable symptoms before, and we women know how some men are babies when it comes to physical discomfort.
Also, the pills lower a man’s testosterone levels.  Personally, I always enjoyed my man’s testosterone.  It inspired him to bring me flowers, send me cards, and make love to me on starry nights. 😍 Do  women really want a “not tonight dear” kind of man?

Something else: a man’s fertile years may be  double that of women.  The oldest man on record to father a child was 94 years old!  So, a sexually active man may have to be on birth control pills for most of his life.

Worse yet, I’m not sure women want to rely on a man’s assurance that he’s on the pill.  If he forgets to take the pill, she pays the price–not him.  I suppose if you are in a very stable, committed relationship it might work.  But what about temporary relationships or one night stands?  In the old days, most women didn’t have casual sex very often for fear of pregnancy.  Are they now going to trust the stranger they hook up with at the airport when he says he’s on the pill?  I don’t think so.

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