Our city is not overly safe.  We have a crime index of 20, which means that 80% of US cities are safer than ours. Therefore,  our local police do not have an easy job.  Death by gunfire is a hazard. Officers are often shot when making arrests.   Being a cop is not for the faint of heart.  But having lived in this community for a good part of my life, I’ve come to love our local police.

People in big cities like Seattle and Minneapolis would probably be offended if I said such a thing in their presence.  They seem to hate the police, and often it’s for good reason.  Everyone was horrified as they witnessed the murder of George Floyd on television.  It’s hard to believe that  police would resort to such brutal tactics.    Why don’t we have that problem in small cities?

Should we defund or love the police
Police face dangerous situations every day. Should we defund, or love the police?

Possibly, it’s because our police officers are often  someone we knew from our neighborhoods or schools.  Similarly, when making arrests, the officers may be acquainted with the offender, or someone in the family.  Also, our police department is proactive  in our community with many  outreach programs.  If you take a walk through one of our parks, you’ll often notice a police car making the rounds. That makes me feel safe.  Similarly, I don’t feel upset when a police car is behind me in traffic.  I know  they will protect me if something bad happens.  And best of all, is seeing a police car parked in front of a school.

Should we defund the police?  I can’t imagine why.  Who would you call if a crime takes place?  What if you’re being robbed, or threatened with a home invasion?  Without the presence of a local police force, criminals would have free rein .  Years ago, I was a witness in a murder case.  It was a frightening experience, and I had to spend some time answering questions at the police station.  They treated me with respect and dignity. And the murderer was sent to prison, which was where he belonged.

Being a police officer is a physically demanding job. Consequently, they must pass physical ability tests to make sure they have the stamina, endurance and strength required. Also, they can’t have  a criminal record.  Background checks must show that they have the mental resilience to endure the frightful images and dangerous situations they encounter on a daily basis

.Police  are first responders to public safety issues and serious crime  .As a result , there will be slower response to 911 calls if they are defunded.  Therefore,  delays in police response will increase fear of crimes, make victims of crime helpless, and wreak havoc on our community.

Let’s love our local police, not defund them.



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