Most working people dream of the day when they don’t have to set the alarm clock anymore.   And yet, when retirement day finally arrives, you may find yourself waking up early every morning, anyway.   Then follows a period of self imposed busyness. You volunteer, baby sit your grandkids, go on trips, join  clubs…anything to get back that sense of purpose you once had.
After several years,  all the work you’ve created for yourself begins to feel like—yes, work.  You tire of the endless squabbles among volunteers, the self imposed deadlines, driving here and there to attend meetings, dressing up for card parties that are beginning to tire you, and the gym workouts you’re starting to dread.  And so you slow down.  Your knees creak, your back aches,  you stop doing much of anything, and sink into a low mood. 
Your get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went.
Especially if you’re on various medications,  you may wake up so groggy that it takes all morning just to fix a bowl of cereal. After you manage to get dressed, you might sit in a chair all day and watch television, read books, and feed the cats. It seems a lot easier, especially if your spouse or partner is slowing down, also.  
Now is the time to make yourself get up and go.   You’ll feel more alive and cheerful after a brisk walk in the park, even if you have to bring along a cane.  If you’ve always been a swimmer, it may seem like too much bother to go to the YMCA, change your clothes, and do those laps.  But you know what? When you walk out that door and into the sunshine, you feel like a new person.  Tell yourself to get some kind of exercise every day.  If you don’t like walking, you can enroll in an exercise or tai chi class for seniors.  Don’t go a few times and give up; stick with it until you feel better. Or, if your knees are in good shape, take some dance lessons.  This time of year, gardening is a wonderful way to work your muscles, pump some oxygen into your blood, and have a feeling of accomplishment.  Even housework qualifies as good exercise.
Stop regretting the past and dreading the future.  Enjoy life right now! Get up and EightyGo.

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