Eight Gifts for the Old-Old

When you’re buying a gift for an older person, you have to consider where they fit in the old- age spectrum.   Is the person Young-Old (65-75)  Middle-Old (75-85) or Old-Old (85 and beyond) While trips and tickets to musicals may be appropriate for the Young-Olds, they don’t work so well for the over 80 crowd.  Because that’s when the physical limitations that come with age start to kick in, big time.  Various medical conditions,  failing eyesight, poor hearing–all  narrow the desirable gifts suggestions considerably .  So, here are eight gifts for the old-old  which may not have occurred to you.

  1. LARGE PRINT BOOKS.  If you buy a book from a store, its probably going to be in regular print size.  But if you’re like my husband, you can’t make it through the small print without a magnifying glass, and that’s tedious. Amazon has a large print selection which includes many best sellers.  They may cost a little more, but they will be much appreciated by your 90 year old grandpa.
  2. HAND WARMERS Many elderly folks have poor circulation. Even with the thermostat at 72, their hands may get cold if they’re sitting in a draft.  These warmers have rechargeable batteries, and have three different settings.  Come January, they’ll be grateful for these warmers to warm their cold fingertips.
  3. SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATES.  11 % of the population in the United States has diabetes.   After the age of 65 the  chances of developing prediabetes increase dramatically. .  Sugar free candy  may cost a little more, but that’s what makes it  a special gift for your diabetic relatives..
  4. SOFT KNIT GLOVES.  You can’t go wrong here, because most everyone loses a glove or two in the winter.  It’s nice to have a back up pair  when that happens.

    8 GIFTS FOR THE OLD-OLD. THIS LONG REACHER GRABBER is actually called a trash picker.
    8 GIFTS FOR THE OLD-OLD. A long reach grabber is handy for elderly and disabled.
  5. LONG REACH GRABBER, otherwise called a trash picker.. This horrible sounding gift is actually pretty slick.  Many old people can’t bend over to pick up something they dropped.  Especially if it rolls away.  These handy grabbers are perfect for retrieving whatever it is that fell to the floor.
  6. FACEBOOK VIDEO CALLING DEVICE.. Sounds a little high tech, but once you set it  up, it’s pretty easy to navigate.  One drawback: The recipient needs a Facebook account, and if they’re not comfortable with that, this won’t work for them.

    Eight gifts for the old-old may include a facebook portal
    EIGHT GIFTS FOR THE OLD-OLD. If they have a facebook account;, they will enjoy this video calling device
  7. AMARYLLIS BULBS. Whether they’re still living at home, or in an assisted living facility, there’s always room for a potted Amaryllis bulb.  Old folks feel their spirits lift as they watch the miracle of beautiful amaryllis blooming right before their eyes in the dead of winter.
  8. FRESH FRUIT IN A SMALL BOX.  No bushel baskets, please.  You can only consume so many apples and oranges before they start turning brown.  But they’re a healthy choice for the elderly who can’t get out to shop for fresh produce.

There’s still time to shop!  You can give your Old-Old relatives a gift they’ll truly enjoy.

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