Yesterday, I read that 44% of Americans are afraid to get the Covid-19 vaccine. It’s not surprising, when the media publishes reports of all the seniors in Norway and USA who’ve died after getting their first shot. Nevertheless, when you consider all the side effects of prolonged lockdown, it seems that we really don’t have a choice. We got our first dose last week, and now we’re dreaming of freedom. 

First of all, we’re finally free from fear of catching the virus. That’s a dark cloud that’s hung over our head after every trip to the grocery store, or visit from a loved one. It’s always lurking—every time you cough or sneeze, little prickles of anxiety arise. Am I coming down with covid-19? When you wake up the next day, feeling just fine, you begin to relax. That is–until the next time, when you have a headache, or maybe get a dizzy spell(caused by anxiety). You do a pretty good job of keeping your spirits up and staying busy—but the fear is always there, ready to resurface from the depths of your subconscious mind.

As one who’s often experienced side effects after flu shots, I can totally understand the fear of vaccines. My husband is one of the lucky ones who never has any reaction.  But I usually had aches and pains, along with fatigue that lasted sometimes a week. Because of that, I skipped the flu shots for several years. But when I finally came down with a very bad case of the flu, I went back to getting the shots, bracing my self for the side effects. So yes, I was worried about what would happen after receiving the covid-19 vaccine.

I did have some mild side effects. I woke up the next day feeling very groggy. My back and arm ached. But it didn’t get any worse. In fact, within 24 hours, I felt better. I slept fairly well the next few nights but had some wild dreams, and still didn’t have much energy. Today, I’m feeling like my old self.

DREAMING OF FREEDOM. After getting the vaccine, you maybe able to get your old life back.

In another month or so, We’ll get pieces of our old life back. We can go to restaurants. I will start swimming again, which should greatly ease the arthritis pain in my knees and shoulders. Some things will not change. We won’t be able to visit with out-of-town relatives until they, too, have been vaccinated. But I’m dreaming of freedom in the days that lie ahead.

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