This will be difficult for my grandchildren to believe, but I didn’t use a computer in college and never took a computer class.  Everything I know about navigating  the internet is through painstaking trial  and error.  Consequently, I had no idea of how to get rid of unwanted emails.
Since I do a lot of online shopping, it got to the point where I was receiving around 100 emails a day. Ouch! That’s a lot of stuff to go through, especially if you let it pile up for a few days.  Each morning, I would sit down and slowly delete unwanted emails  one by one,  looking for the 2% of mail  that came from a person I actually knew.
That all changed yesterday, after I read the Heloise column in our local newspaper.  Wait a minute: that’s the lady who gives you five uses for cardboard toilet paper rolls? And tells you how to clean your entire house with vinegar and baking soda.  What does she know about computers? Well, apparently, quite a lot,  because she just explained  how to stop those unwanted emails.
 First, you must open the email in question, even though your instinct tells you not to.  Then click on “enable links”.  Scroll down to the bottom of the email and look in the fine print for “Unsubscribe.” You’ll need your glasses to find this link because they really don’t want you to.  After you click on it, a new tab may open and you’ll be asked to type in your email address. They might  ask a few questions , but finally they will give in and let you go. It may take several days  for all the emails from  a company to stop,  but hopefully, by this time next month, I will not cringe every time I open my email account.
Thanks, Heloise

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