Does anyone think that all Democrats are pro- choice and all Republicans are pro-life?  It sounds batshit crazy, but that’s what the politicians would have us believe.  What’s discouraging is that our legislators are not voting their hearts, but what they see as politically expedient.  As the saying goes, it’s all about the optics.  And as voters, I think we’re getting fed up with politicians who don’t listen to what we want in the state of Indiana.

According to a poll recently published by the Indiana Capital Chronicle: “Hoosiers don’t want a near-virtual ban on abortion. Instead, they support exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. And many are supportive of  allowing abortion up to 15 weeks of gestation.”   63% of Hoosiers support abortion rights.

politicians who won't listen learned a lesson when voters in Kansas refused to ban most abortions.
POLITICIANS WHO DON’T LISTEN to pro-choice advocates in Indiana may learn a lesson from Kansas.

 If you think those numbers are bogus, just look at what happened in Kansas.   In a rare show of common sense, the politicians decided to put the abortion issue up for a vote.  Smart move.  That way, no one is going to lose votes over this highly controversial issue.  Probably, since it’s a heavily red state, they presumed that people would vote down the current abortion laws.  Instead, a surprise at the polls resulted in abortion remaining legal in the  Kansas.   It looks like 69% of the population in that state supports women’s abortion rights.  If only our Indiana members of the Congress and Senate would do the same, and leave it up to the taxpayers to decide.

It’s a conundrum.  Why would Republicans wish that unwanted children  be born?  Everyone knows that those most affected will be  low income women.  Consequently,  forcing  them to have more  children will obviously result in more poverty, more welfare, and more money spent on Medicaid.  Why do  Republicans  want to go against their own core values of lower taxes,  hard work, and less dependence on government handouts?

If the Indiana legislature chooses to commit kamikaze over abortion rights, it’s enough to turn a Republican into a Democrat.    Come  November,  politicians who don’t listen to their constituents may find out they don’t have many.


By the time Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land in 1970, I was already married, with three children.  Consequently, I spent my entire adolescence and early twenties at a time when most  girls were virgins.  There was plenty of “making out” and “fooling around.” However,  young women  were dead set on preserving their virginity.  Because a baby born out of wedlock was a disgrace–not only to the mother, but her entire family.   Obviously, the fear of pregnancy was a powerful deterrent to pre-marital sex.  Yes, some did get pregnant, which meant they had shotgun weddings or were sent off on long vacations to stay with faraway relatives.  But after 1970,  women could sleep around the same as men did, knowing they didn’t have to give birth  if contraceptives failed.  Now, that’s all liable to change.  Will virginity make a comeback?

Will virginity make a comeback? If abortion is illegal, women will feaar having sex.
WILL VIRGINITY MAKE A COMEBACK? Women won’t feel as free to have sex if they can’t get an abortion.

Reading  obituaries of women over 80, and you will see that most of them married young.  Co-eds met their husbands in college.  If a guy wanted a regular bed partner, he was supposed to get married.    How many college students get married today? Living together without the benefit of matrimony  is the norm.

If you watch any of the streaming services like Netflix, you know that teenagers are expected to have sex as soon as they’re able.  Men and women hook up  with complete strangers .  Comedian Amy Poehler once bragged in a magazine article that she’d had sex with countless  men.  She even described  spotting  a handsome  man at an airport, finding a room to have very hot  sex, then walking away without ever seeing him again.  Did she worry about getting pregnant?  Of course not.

Before I go any further, let me say that I’m definitely pro-choice.  My husband was a campus minister who put his career and reputation on the line to help women get abortions when it was illegal in Indiana..    I don’t believe in having  unwanted children, for obvious reasons.

However,  before 1970,  few had to worry about getting sexually transmitted diseases.  And I’m not sure how I would have felt  after a series of short term love  affairs that didn’t end happily ever after.  Men should prepare themselves:  free sex will no longer be quite so free.

Some journalists report  that people are starting to be afraid of having sex. So what’s going to happen in states where abortion is illegal?    Will virginity make a comeback?





The first  heatwave has come on way too early this year.  We expect it in summer, but it’s still officially spring.  Global warming may or may not be to blame, because I can remember a few heatwaves  when I was growing up in Indiana.  There was no air conditioning in those days, unless you went to a department store or movie theatre.  Most of us just sweat it out at home in various degrees of undress. As kids, we ran under a garden sprinkler hose to cool down.  But grownups had to keep on going to work, taking care of children, cooking, doing laundry.  Nowadays, most everyone has air conditioning.  Except, sometimes you don’t.  Even without a power blackout, the air conditioner  often gets overloaded and breaks down.   What to do?  How to survive a heatwave A/C  meltdown:

While you’re waiting in line for a repairman to come and fix whatever’s broken, here’s what you can do to cool a house with damp towels.  This also works if you have a two story house, with an upstairs room that the air conditioning doesn’t reach.

1. Close all windows and doors in the early morning. Draw all the shades and pull the curtains shut.

2.Find every fan you have in the house, on the porch, garage, or basement and turn them on. .

3. Go to your linen closet and pull out some bath towels. Soak them in cold water.  A damp towel, preferably light-colored, should hang in a window or in front of a fan, where its trapped water evaporates and cools the air flowing through it. Your rooms may not get as cold as they would with an air conditioner, but the towels and fans  will alleviate the worst of the heat.  And the noise from a fan is far less than a window air conditioner.

How To survive a heatwave meltdown. Hang a wet towel in front of your window.
How To Survive A Heatwave Meltdown. Hang a wet towel in your window and turn on a fan.

Meanwhile, turn off the oven. Eat cold cuts, or go for carry out.

Believe it or not, some people don’t have air conditioners at all.  87% of Americans have some type of air conditioning , but that’s true in only 8% of the rest of the world.  You, too,  can survive a heatwave without an air conditioner.

 Finally, you might download  you tube music “HeatWave,” , and listen to Irving Berlin’s popular song  from the thirties  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5PpCCfhBhY

How to survive a heatwave meltdown. Listen to Ethel waters sing "Havin A Heatwave"
How To Survive A Heatwave Meltdown. Listen to Ethel Waters sing  while hanging wet towels in front of fans.


Oh! We’re having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave
The temperature’s rising, it isn’t surprising,
She certainly can  the can-can
She started a heatwave by letting her seat wave,
In such a way that the customers say
That she certainly can can-can


I don’t  suppose there’s a person who owns  an iphone or computer who hasn’t heard of Hollywood stars, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.  The details of their toxic marriage and months-long mutual defamation trial has attracted more viewers than any other news story.  In a way, I can understand it.  In the wake of the bloody Ukraine War and tragic school shootings, we’re all looking for some comic relief.   After awhile, bombings and shootings and domestic abuse begin to seem the stuff of normal life.  But they’re not.  Now is the time to get grounded, before we go crazy, wondering where we fit into this manic world.

NOW IS THE TIME TO GET GROUNDED by shopping at a farm and home store.
NOW IS THE TIME TO GET GROUNDED. Shopping at a farm store brings you back down to earth.

You won’t find peace of mind by watching television news  shows.  We used to be news junkies, but now we find something else to do between six and seven in the evening.  We know the war in Ukraine is veering toward World War III.  That’s been made very clear for months on end.  But there is really nothing that we can do to change the situation in a significant way.  We can send money to help the refugees, and support our government’s effort to provide aid, but at our age, we can’t go galavanting off to volunteer with organizations like the Red Cross.

If you have ever lost a loved one to violence , there is only so much you can take when watching videos of school shootings.  You know too well that empty, hollow feeling of having lost a a son, daughter, father, brother or mother to a senseless crime. .  You wonder how much worse it will get for future generations.

Many people find peace of mind in nature.  But hiking alone in the wilderness can sometimes bring on feelings of unreality.  You can run away from sorrow, but you can’t escape it.

You can go to rock concerts and see pumped up musicians screaming their hearts out and jumping around on a stage.  But when it’s over, it’s over.  The next day you  feel exhausted or hungover.

Strangely enough, I feel most calm when  shopping at a farm and home store. The parking lot is full of pick up trucks.  There’s an earthy smell when you walk in the door.  Nobody is wearing designer clothes and you’ll seldom see a woman with false eyelashes.   In our local Rural King, folks can even bring along their dogs.  Their purchases are pretty down to earth.  Fertilizer? Blue jeans?  Car Batteries? Baby chicks?   Welcome to the crowd.

NOW IS THE TIME TO GET GROUNDED. Buy some baby chickens at a farm store.

At the checkout, you can observe what people are buying and imagine how they’re going to spend their time today—painting,  planting, or working on their farm equipment. You’re with ordinary people who know there’s a war in Ukraine, and that schools are no longer safe. But they just keep moving on– growing food, planting flowers, raising animals,  and hoping that better days are ahead.

Now is the time to get grounded.


I don’t know about you, but I’m not very interested in knee surgery.  Yes, I know a lot of people who  swear by it.  However, I know of those who’ve had major complications—like getting an infection, and having it redone twice.  Plus the pain.  I can’t take pain killers, so if something happens, I’m stuck with the real live stuff.  And, following knee surgery, that is something you can only nightmare about.  Also, I’ve seen numerous unsuccessful procedures whereby the patient is limping more after than before.  And so, I’ve endured whatever pain my osteoarthritis brings as I enter my eighth decade.  Trouble is, it can keep you up at night.  Until—unless–you discover the dirty little secret that those in the knee replacement business might  rather you not  know about: Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain—for me, anyway.

Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain if you have simple arthritis.
Plastic wrap ends nite knee pain. Put on some lotion like Bio Freeze, then wrap your knee for the night.

After years of wincing as I descended the stairs, I had made up my mind that this was something I would endure for the rest of my life.  However, I tend to surf the internet every once in awhile.  Somewhere along the way, I saw a quacky sounding story about Saran Wrap being good for the knees.  Sounded far out and crazy, but with nothing better to do, decided to try it.  Feeling rather foolish, I rubbed my aching knee caps with Bio Freeze, then followed the directions for wrapping them in plastic wrap..  I was all alone. No one to observe.   If it didn’t work, no one would ever laugh at my folly.

Surprise, Surprise.  I did not wake up during the night with knee pain.  When I descended the stairs in the morning,  I noticed something missing: Pain in my left knee.  This crazy, far out procedure had worked!  At least for me.  Obviously, not for those with more serious knee issues.

Plastic wrap has proven to be a game changer.  Sleep through the night without pain.  Wake up rested. What’s not to like about that?  You might give it a try


Millions of people use this drug as an over-the-counter sleep aid.  No need for  a prescription, just pick up a pack from your local pharmacy or dollar store.  But there’s a problem for anyone over 65, and especially octogenarians.  The technical name for this antihistamine is diphenhydramine,  and it can  have serious side effects in the elderly.  Stop! Don’t take that Benadryl.

I wouldn’t have believed it could happen to me.  I’d taken Benadryl on and off all of my life, for times when I couldn’t get to sleep.  Worked pretty well.  Then, after retirement, I noticed it had some strange effects on my sleep patterns..  Actually awakened me  off and on, during the night.  I decided it wasn’t working for me anymore.  But I’m a saver.  Threw the Benadryl in the back of the medicine drawer in my bathroom vanity. Forgot about it.

Then came a health crisis.  My husband was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and other problems.  At night, I tossed and turned, worrying about what was going to happen.  The prescription sleep aid, Ambien,  worked pretty well, but I knew it could be addictive, so tried to limit it’s use.  What to do as his hospital stay wore on?  Looked in the drawer, saw the old pack of Benadryl. Forgot why I quit using it in the first place.  Surely, a common, non prescription drug would not be addictive and might help get me through the night.  Popped one in my mouth before bedtime, and actually slept through the night.

Just one problem. I awakened disoriented, dizzy, and feeling a bit  shaky.  Drove to get my car oil changed, thinking the grogginess would soon fade..  An hour later, stopped to see my husband. The pulsing  of the oxygen machine in his room pounded my head like a hammer.  I had to get out of there fast.  Barely made it home.  By now, I was feeling nauseous and weak.

Then I got hit with the big scare.  Had I caught the covid-19 virus?  Masks were required, in the hospital.   But maybe I’d  gotten it while out shopping. After a sleepless night,  I was literally shaking as I opened a test kit.  What if I had the virus, and  exposed my husband ?   Test was negative. The next day I felt slightly better, but still nauseous. Another test the next morning before going to the hospital..  There are no words to describe the anxiety I felt as I swabbed my nose and waited for  the  results. Once again: Negative.

STOP! DON'T TAKE THAT BENADRYL. If you are elderly, it could make you so sick that you have to take a covid-19 test.
STOP! DON’T TAKE THAT BENADRYL. It can make seniors so sick that they feel they should take a covid-19 test.

The nausea and dizziness  ebbed away as  my anxiety subsided. Looked on the internet to see the side effects of Benadryl. The first thing I saw was a headline saying that no one should take  diphenhydramine if over the age of  sixty five.  It explained that the elderly are especially sensitive to the drug, and can experience some serious reactions ..  Stop! Don’t take that Benadryl if you’re an octogenarian.  And throw out those old pills in your medicine cabinet.


Unless you are a teenager, you may remember the days when your doctor came to see you in the hospital.  It was called “making rounds.”  And this was how it worked:  The doctor decided that your condition (pneumonia, sepsis, etc.) warranted admission to the hospital where he had privileges.   That night, and every day thereafter, he, she,  or their associate, would stop by in the evening to see how you were doing.  That was very comforting, especially if you had been that doctor’s patient for many years.  But that’s not how it works anymore.  Warning! Your doctor may ghost you.

 Warning! Your Doctor may ghost you and turn over your care to a team of hospitalists.
WARNNG! YOUR DOCTOR MAY GHOST YOU. If you are admitted to the hospital, he may turn your care over to a team of hospitalists.

Here’s what likely to happen now:  You call the doctor’s office during a medical emergency, and they recommend that you go to the Emergency Room immediately.  You call 911, and the EMT’s  ask which hospital you would like to go to.  Naturally, you pick the one where your doctor has privileges.  Otherwise, you would be under the care of a stranger who knew nothing about you.

You spend some time in the Emergency Room undergoing a series of tests, based on your condition or reason for being there.  Eventually—maybe a day later—they find you a room and you are formally admitted to the hospital.  After all the worry and excitement begins to settle down, you relax.  No doubt, you will see your doctor when he makes rounds this evening.  Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen.

A stranger enters your room and announces himself as the hospital doctor.  He will be managing your care from now on.  Over the course of your stay, you will meet several specialists who have been called in to find out what’s wrong with you.  You may be visited by a cardiologist, nephrologist, urologist or any other type of physician.  Some technicians may come to your room to perform tests at any hour of the day or night.

On the other hand, you may be wheeled down the hall to have a cat scan or chest x-ray.  All of it comes as a surprise.  You keep wondering when your primary care physician is going to show up and explain what’s happening. What you don’t know, and will soon learn, is that you’re not going to see him at all. Warning! Your doctor may ghost you.

In the last decade or so, busy  primary care physicians have  turned the care of their hospitalized patients over to HOSPITALISTS.  The American Board of Physician Specialists defines hospitalists as “…physicians who have dedicated their careers to hospitalized patients.” Simply put, hospitalists are medical specialists who most often earn a residency in internal medicine and are certified in hospital medicine. While hospitalists confine their practice within a hospital setting, they often specialize in non-medical issues that are relevant to their field of study. That said, if you have been seen by a doctor in a hospital, safe to assume he might have been a hospitalist.”

Now, then.  What if the hospital physical therapists decide you should go to a rehab facility before going home?  Once again, all ties with the hospitalists who have been treating you will be severed.

In the rehab facility, you will once again be under the care of that facilities’ Hospital Doctor.  You may or may not ever see him or her, but they will plan your treatment and care.  At that point, things may fall through the cracks. As an example,  they may be short staffed, and not answer your call button promptly when you have an emergency. Meanwhile, your trusted primary care physician has no idea what is going on.  Warning! Your doctor may ghost you..