Many of us are struggling with inner demons that no one knows about.  You may be uncomfortable at social events.  You could be struggling with a slight case of depression, or an addiction to alcohol., prescription drugs, or nicotine. Your weight might be affecting your health , but you can’t stop over eating.  You limp along with these afflictions, until one day, you  face reality and decide to do something about it. You might seek counseling, or maybe just some self help books. You enroll in a support group like Weight Watchers.  And at last,  there comes a time when  you realize that your efforts at changing your life have paid off.  These are  the secret triumphs of the heart.

Seniors often struggle with inner demons that they are resigned to

The trouble might not  be one of spirit ,  but of body.  A sudden onset of sciatica makes walking painful.. You feel off balance at times, but you won’t submit to the indignity of using a cane.  Suddenly, you can’t hear what your grandchildren are saying.  Driving at night is scary because you see halos around the street lights..

For a while—months, maybe years–you deny these failings of your aging body.  But suddenly, you’re tired of it all, and you realize you don’t want to do  this anymore.

You make an appointment with a physical therapist, and faithfully do the prescribed exercises at home, even after your Medicare coverage runs out. You bite the bullet and buy some hearing aids. You see an eye doctor and agree to whatever surgery or treatment he recommends.   You share your fears and insecurities  with a counselor.

Instead of sinking into a chair and looking out the window, you make the decision to get your life back. You work on overcoming  these problems by whatever means it takes.   With the help of modern medicines  you can see, hear, and walk.—maybe not as well as you used to, but better than before.  You can go places and do things.  These are the secret triumphs  of the heart.


Sun tanning has gotten a very bad name, due to worries about skin cancer.  And rightfully so.  I’m not recommending that you cook your skin until you look like a lizard.   But now is the time for Hoosiers to catch a few rays without much worry.  Here are 6 reasons to get some sun this week.

# 1.  It isn’t too hot, yet.  To me, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than lying out in the sun when it’s 80 plus degrees.  You’re  sweating and burning, and it’s just plain miserable.   But spring sun  is gentle, and the cool air is not so humid.

#2.  You’re  probably looking a bit pasty after being shut inside all winter.  Hopefully, you took your vitamin D, but that didn’t brighten your skin at all.  It’s important to use sunscreen, but that won’t prevent a few rays of ultra violet light from giving your face a little color.

#3.  The bees and mosquitoes are still in hiding.  You can enjoy the cool air and sunshine without swatting away bees and angry wasps that are headed straight for your skin.  Another week, when the magnolias and other flowering bushes and trees are in bloom, those busy little pollinators will be out in full force.

#4.  It will brighten your mood.  Many of us suffer from seasonal affective disorder without being aware of it.  For some, SAD is a very serious problem, leading to suicidal thoughts.  But even the happiest souls feel a little  blue toward the end of  winter, when they tire of looking at gray skies and barren landscapes.

#5.  A little morning sunshine will help you sleep better.

#6.  You will probably get more exercise the natural way on a sunny day.  Get out of that stinky gym, plant some flowers, ride your bike,  or take a walk in the park.   You might even lose a few pounds.

Experts recommend that everyone  should get 15 to 20 minutes of sunshine each day. Just don’t overdo it!


Once you reach retirement age, well meaning family and friends urge you to make some important life changes:  They say you should move to a one story house and hire a cleaning lady. A few years later,  you’re advised  to prepare for the inevitable realities of aging, and move to a retirement community where you will be relieved of most household chores.   You’re assured that a workout room  is usually available if you’re concerned about your health and want some exercise.  But which is best? Housework or workouts?

How many healthy seniors do you know who  have followed  the conventional wisdom  of forfeiting their privacy and independence? Even though they are in good health ,  half of my contemporaries have moved on. Those who’ve moved to smaller homes or apartments may hire cleaning women while they go to Planet Fitness.  Those who live in retirement communities have few household chores. They can spend the winter months playing bridge, reading books, and other sedentary activities. When spring arrives, and they find their clothes are too snug , they resolve to work out on the treadmill or do some stair steps.

Seniors are often advise to move to retirement communities where they do no housework. But is that healthy?

Did you know that vacuuming floors burns 170 calories per hour? The good news about housework is the satisfaction you get from not only getting exercise, but the feeling that you’ve done something productive.   I know, it’s not very classy to admit you spent the morning cleaning the bathroom. But  scrubbing down a bathroom for 35 minutes burns more calories than 35 minutes on a treadmill.

 So, you don’t have to tell anyone your dirty little secret to avoid gaining weight   You can pretend you spent the morning doing pilates before having lunch at the Panda Garden.  No one needs to know you cleaned your bathroom , but you!

One more reason to stay in a two story house : stair climbing  burns calories at a faster rate than many other forms of exercise,  It builds muscles, strengthens bones and leads to greater cardiovascular health.

For a complete list of calories burned doing various household chores,  follow this link:




In my state of Indiana, Governor Mitch Daniels pushed for Daylight Saving Time in 2009.  He said it was good for business. Turned out it didn’t make any difference, but we kept doing it anyway.  Mainly, it’s the golfers who like it, because they can play their game after work.  But most of us aren’t golfers.  Should the whole state’s time zone be determined by a sport?  Do you have daylight saving time daze?

Here’s how it went for me this week:

Some people would rather we we stick to one time
Should We Abolish Daylight Saving Time?

Day 1. We turned our clocks ahead the night before,  and  stayed up until our usual bedtime.   I’m used to a sliver of daylight peeking through the blind at 7:30., but it was still very dark the next morning when I awakened.     Felt confused. A bit dizzy. Stubbed my toe.   Spilled coffee. Knocked over a bottle of orange juice.  Went to library before realizing I  forgot books to return.  Too tired to clean kitchen after dinner.

 Day 2. Stumbled out of bed in the dark before going for morning swim.  Slurped  some coffee.  Skipped breakfast.   Made it  to the pool after a near-miss pulling out of my driveway. Forgot my purse and cellphone.  Came home in a daze.  Didn’t have enough energy to put my breakfast dishes in the sink.

Day 3. The fog continues..  It’s  like the jet lag you feel after a trip abroad.  They say heart attacks increase the week after DST begins, and I don’t doubt it. Next door, I see my neighbor putting his kids in the car to go to school.  The sun is just coming up, which means they had to get out of bed in the dark.  Luckily, their dad drives them to school.  What about the little kids who have to walk to the bus stop and catch a ride on the school bus?

DST  was supposed to save energy, because the sun would heat up your house later in the day, and you wouldn’t need to turn your furnace so high.  Turns out, you use more energy because you need more air conditioning.

Parents with little kids must dislike DST the most.  Putting the children to bed while it’s still light outside doesn’t work too well.  So, the parents don’t have as much peace and quiet time after 8 o’clock, the way they used to.

The whole thing is crazy.  I don’t care if we set our clocks back or ahead.  But let’s not go changing back and forth every spring and fall.