January 2022 seems especially dreary.   It’s the third winter we’ve been stuck at home because of COVID-19. That first year, we did pretty well.  It was kind of fun, battening down the hatches, sending for take out, and staying inside.   The next winter, we had a little more hope because the vaccine came out in January, and we thought this would definitely be the end of Covid-19. We even started going to restaurants and family get togethers.  Free at last!!    But now, we’re back where we started.     Masking up at the grocery store,  staying home, washing our hands, and going nowhere fast. One good thing.  The days are growing longer, and we’re seeing more sunny days. Here are 6 ways to brighten a winter day:

6 WAYS TO BRIGHTEN A WINTER DAY. A winter bulb garden will make it feel like Spring.

1. Clean the air.  Indoor air is full of pollutants.  It’s especially bad this winter, when we’re staying indoors more often than usual.  Even when it’s cold outside, you should open some windows for five to ten minutes a day, just to bring in some fresh air. Next,  brew a pot of boiling water on your stove top, and stir in  teaspoons of cinnamon, ginger and cloves.  It might even clear your sinuses if you breathe in the fragrant  vapors for a few minutes. Keep the pot  simmering as long as you like.

2. Catch some sunshine.  Put on a winter  coat and lie on a lounge chair  on your deck or patio.  The rays are so bright that you can get a slight sunburn—even in winter.  If you don’t have your own outside space,  go to a park, pick a bright  spot, and lift your face toward the sun .

3. Plant a winter bulb garden. .  The stores are full of potted hyacinths, tulips and daffodils..  Take that Christmas poinsettia off your coffee table,  and  bring in some lovely spring flowers in shades of pink, purple, and yellow.

4. Download some classical music.  There are free apps on i phones and your computer.  Frankly, I wouldn’t care to sit for hours  in a concert hall and listen to long hair music.    But it’s soothing in the background while you’re doing household chores or reading a book.

5. Walk  outside.  Even when the temperature drops below freezing, you can bundle up and take a short  walk around the block or down the road. You’ll come back inside refreshed, and with a better attitude.

6.  Try a new recipe.  They are in the newspapers and all over the internet.  Make something with an unusual ingredient that you’ve never tried before.

These are just a few way to enjoy the winter of 2022. Meanwhile,  work  a  jigsaw puzzle, read a  best seller, and look forward to a winter when we don’t have to worry about Covid=19..

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