Things are settling down and reopening up.  Although the coronavirus is still with us, we can sit back and wonder about the pandemic sense and nonsense that occurred.    A lot of decisions were made by different elected officials all over  the country, that didn’t seem well thought through. Here in the heartland, ordinary people don’t always agree with  what has gone down.

Pandemic sense and nonsense: Stimulus checks. Unemployment benefits. Libraries last to open. Politicians blaming each other.
Why weren’t stimulus checks based on need?  Pandemic Sense & Nonsense

Congress  hurried up and passed a massive stimulus bill that benefited some people far more than others.  The strangest thing was the stimulus checks.  Anyone who filed a tax return for less than $75,000  received  tax  free money that wasn’t based on need or cost of living.  $1200 won’t go very far in San Francisco, but it could pay for a lot of rent and groceries in small town, America. Same thing with the unemployment benefits. $600 a week  plus state unemployment will go a long way in some parts of the country.  In fact, it’s proven to be a disincentive for restaurant employees’ returning to work. Consequently,  a lot of tax payer money has gone to people who really don’t need it at all.

.Restaurants and bars have been allowed to open for a couple of weeks in our city.  They must follow certain social distancing guidelines but at least you can be served a meal that you didn’t have to cook or send for.  This coming week, our library will finally be allowed to open their doors.  Does this seem a little strange?  Why are libraries so far down  the totem pole? They should have opened before bars and hair salons.

Libraries are at the heart of any city. Books feed the soul, and will get you through  tough times.   I can remember growing up in the post depression years during World War II.  Everything good was rationed. You couldn’t’ even buy ice cream—it had to be sherbet, unless you made it yourself. But the highlight of my week—starting at age six—was my weekly trip to the library.  A good book will take you to far away places, and  show you how people in other times or in different countries think and feel.  Nothing can replace books.  Certainly not a bottle of beer or a plate of spaghetti eaten at a restaurant.

Mask wearing was another thing. First, we were told it didn’t help to wear a mask. Then, about a month later, all the scientists were telling us we should wear masks, after all.  It’s no wonder so many people refuse to wear one.

When things settle down, we’re going to look  back at some of the decisions that were made and scratch our heads.  Mayors are criticizing governors, and governors are criticizing the president.  The politicians are all busy pointing fingers and placing blame.  But the truth is, everyone has been  floundering in a sea of the unknown.  Common sense went out the window

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