With winter coming on, a recent retiree asked my husband, “what do you do all day?” He felt exasperated because he’s an outdoor person.  The Covid-19 lockdown didn’t bother him much until now, because he could hike, play golf, and easily find things to do while socially distancing.   But now, he’s wondering  how to make it through the next few months while stuck inside.   Here are 9 things to do if you’re  home alone during the pandemic.

1. Make Your Bed.  Why bother, if no one but you can see it?  Because making your bed gives you a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.  Anyway , who wants to climb back into a tangled mess at night.

2. Exercise.  Maybe you have some home equipment, like an exercise bike.  But you really don’t need it. There are tons of stretching exercises you can do, plus ones using weights.  Make it a habit,  fifteen minutes, first thing in the morning.

3. Jigsaw puzzles are good for your  brain because they exercise both side of your brain.    If you have a computer, you can do them online at places like jigzone.com.  and listen to  the pieces fall into place. It’s fun, and free!

9 things to do when home alone. Do a puzzle at jigsaw.com
9 things to do if home alone. Try a jigsaw puzzle at jigzone.com. It’s free!

4. Prepare nourishing foods.  It’s tempting to live on cheese and crackers or cereal.  But that’s boring and unhealthy. Make fresh fruit smoothies. Try a new recipe–something fancy and unusual.  Dream about the day when you can have a  dinner party with a dazzling new dish.

5. Do something creative. Learn woodworking online or with a book from Menards..  Paint pictures, knit, sew, crochet. Write your memoirs, start a scrapbook, make a collage with favorite photos—the list is endless

6. Get out of the house.  Unless its pouring down rain, sleet, or snow, bundle up and get a breath a fresh air. Fill your lungs with oxygen and take a short walk. The change of scene will lift your spirits.

7. Read books. If you’re bored with “formula” novels and Chicklit, go back and read the classics.  How could anyone tire of Tolstoy?

8. Start an indoor garden.  I began one last year with pots of amaryllis.  They don’t start growing until you water them, so they can be staggered to bloom all winter.  I had gorgeous fresh flowers  from December through March.   Spider plants, ivy, and philodendron  provide fresh greenery on dull winter days–and they’re good for the air.

9. Redecorate.  Paint your bedroom pink.  Order some new curtains on Amazon or buy them at Walmart.  Refinish some furniture.

One of these days, we’ll have a vaccine, and new medicines to fight the virus.  In the meantime, there are nine good things to do if you’re home alone this winter

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