11 Things TO LOVE about winter

Do you feel a twinge of envy when someone announces they’ll be gone for the winter?  My husband and I were snowbirds for 20 years, happily packing up our bags and leaving our less adventurous family  and friends to suffer through the winter months.  But now, we’re toughing it out up North and have re-discovered  11 things TO LOVE about winter.


1. No yard work.  Even if you have a lawn service, there’s still that worry about wet and dry spells that interfere with mowing.  Then, there’s the weeding, planting, and nightly watering during the hot dry summer months.

2.  Winter reading gives us a chance to catch up on all those good books we missed in the past several months. So much cozier to curl up with a book in a warm house vs. sitting in the hot sun,  brushing sand from our eyes.

3. Less laundry, because you’re not getting all sweaty in the heat. In the hot summer, you can go through two or three outfits on a busy day.

 4. No mosquito bites, bee stings, or gnats. You don’t have to douse yourself with bug spray, or walk out the door into a cloud of seasonal gnats.  And no  bees  assault you while walking to your car.

5. Skiing, skating, building snowmen, sledding.  Every kid loves playing in the snow.  And so do grown ups.

6. Less road construction on highways and city streets. What’s worse than a summer traffic stall on a busy highway, or annoying slowdowns due to construction?  Just for a few months, you can get to your destination without that worry.

7. End of season sales. White  sales.  Major discounts on everything from couches to clothes.

8. Homemade soups & fresh baked bread  in a warm  kitchen.  Nobody wants to steam up their kitchen or run up air conditioning bills when it’s hot outside.

9. Sleeping through the night on flannel bed sheets. Most people sleep better in cold weather, especially with soft, warm sheets .

10. Sipping wine while watching a winter sunset.  Bare tree limbs fanning out across a pink and blue sky is a breathtaking sight. 

11. You don’t have to paint your toenails every week. In fact, you really don’t have to paint them at all if you’re wearing boots.

Can you add to this list?  e mail me @ luciasin@aol.com


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