Successful celebrities in the entertainment world need  lots of self confidence. An inflated ego propels them to the top .  Unfortunately, they begin to overestimate the value of their influence.   While their endorsement of beauty creams and fragrances may sway some consumers , It doesn’t carry over into the world of politics. Do you value Chrissy Teigen’s Opinion?

Celbrities are not authorities on politics
Use of four letter words show Chrissy Teigen’s limited vocabulary

Would you vote for or against a candidate, based on what an actress  has to say about them. ?  What  do entertainers  know about running a government? While some are immensely talented,  most  are high school graduates  or college dropouts who found their way to fame through a combination of good looks, who they know, or being in the right place at the right time.  Many  are exhibitionists who spend most of their waking hours trying to get attention for themselves.

What do celebrities know about fighting terrorism,  improving the economy, or making the world a better place for our grandchildren?   What’s worse is when they demonstrate a  limited vocabulary.   Do they really believe that  a stream of vulgar, four letter words is  going to impress an intelligent, respectable person,   or change their vote?

A celebrity who goes on a dirty, expletive filled  tirade against any candidate is preaching to the choir.  Yes, like minded people will enjoy having their opinions reinforced.   But those who disagree will be more than annoyed.  They may get mad enough to get up and vote, even though they might have been too lazy to drive to the polls before hand.

In the case of Chrissy Teigen, she has plenty of followers.  These are the people who admired her for posting a video of herself while  steaming her vagina. Vanity Fair worships at her shrine, and even had her on their latest magazine cover.   She, Robert DeNiro, and other rude, crude and lewd people in the entertainment world apparently think that vulgarity is a potent verbal weapon.  Well, I’ve got news for them.  It isn’t.