I’m probably one of the few people left  in this country who lived through World War II—beginning and end. I remember a childhood filled with horror stories about the holocaust, and the near annihilation of Europe .  At the time, we were energy independent. Nevertheless,  rationing was taken for granted—a fact of life.  You could only use so much gas, drink so much coffee, and make so much chocolate cake, to name a few restrictions.    But are most Americans ready for that once again?  And more importantly, are they aware that their sons, brothers, and husbands could be drafted if this war spreads into Poland and Central Europe? Can we survive WW III?

Can we survive WW III? Is it possible that history is repeating itself.
CAN WE SURVIVE WW III? At the beginning of WW II, we were energy independent.

Right now, we’re begging Saudi Arabia for oil.  We are not energy independent.  Yes, it would be great if we could eliminate  fossil fuels in the next few years , but we might be throwing out the baby with the bath water.

All of our clothes come from China, a country that seemingly would rather see us under Soviet rule than keep us as a well paying customer.  Whatever happened to clothes made here in the USA?  Why is our trade deficit worsening, with  imports increasingly  exceeding  our exports?

The politicians keep telling us that if Russia takes Ukraine, it could mean the beginning of World War Three.  The beginning?  Are you kidding?  We’re already in it.  When the USA , Central and  Western European countries are providing arms to the Ukraine, we’re at war.  The only  thing that’s missing is boots on the ground.  And that seems more and more likely.

Instead of focusing on climate change and other social issues, it seems to me we should  put those dreams on hold , and face the reality of our situation.  All of our national effort should focus on being self sufficient .  Farmers, especially, should be supported by ample fuel and fertilizer.  We probably ought to be stockpiling commodities right now.

Can we survive World War Three?  Yes, we can.  But it won’t be easy unless we’re self sufficient.


Are there any professional mind readers out there?   If so, your services are desperately needed. Every impeachment is different, but this one is the weirdest of all.  The validity of the impeachment of  President Trump, and whether or not the FBI’s FISA Warrant was legal,  depends on what was on their minds at the time in question.  What were they thinking?


Only a mind reader could tell us what Comey and Trump were thinking.
It would take a true mind reader to know what Trump and Comey were thinking,

When the FBI used Christopher Steele’s dossier as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign, did James Comey  know it was a made up report? Did he  actually believe Carter Page was a Russian spy?.  If he was  truly  convinced  Page was a spy, then you can see he  felt justified in spying on the Trump campaign headquarters.

By the same token, did Donald Trump really believe that the Bidens were involved in a huge corruption /scandal in the Ukraine?  If that was his conviction, it would justify his demand for an investigation before we gave the Ukraine  $500 million dollars of  American taxpayer money.  The fact that Joe Biden was a potential running mate would have seemed irrelevant.  We just don’t know what was really on Trump’s mind, and neither does anyone else at this point.

So far, the FBI has gotten a free pass.  James Comey has not been indicted for committing a crime.  But Trump has been impeached by the Congress.

The similarities in the two circumstances are striking.

It’s kind of like someone who’s accused of  involuntary manslaughter. You’re driving in the dark and you see what you think  is a truck parked up ahead.  Not realizing that it’s actually a school bus, you keep going, and kill three school children crossing the highway.  This really happened in Indiana. Therefore, the driver of that car was convicted of murder  and sentenced to 4 years in prison.  The jury decided they knew what was on that woman’s mind.  They convicted her because they believed she knew it was a school bus and didn’t care.  Never mind that it was pitch black outside , she’d just crawled out of bed to take her nephew to a baby sitter, and might have been so sleep deprived that she honestly didn’t know she was bypassing a school bus.

What was really on James Comey’s mind when he used a fake report to get a FISA Warrant? What was President Trump thinking when he asked for the Ukraine/Biden investigation while 75 people listened in? And, incidentally, what was on Joe Biden’s mind when his son landed all those cushy jobs in the Ukraine and China?

All of us can guess, based on our political biases .  But we’ll never really know  what they were thinking.


That Ukraine is a corrupt nation is an established fact.  Apparently, they agreed to clean up the problem if we would give them financial aid.  Around March of 2019 they assured our diplomats that there was no longer any corruption.  Congress  decided that based on what they said, Ukraine should get close to $400 million dollars of our tax payer money.   But Trump wasn’t convinced they’d done a good job of investigating possible corruption with the Bidens   so he decided to hold up the money until they did.  Now, Trump’s about to be impeached for bribery.    But the Elephant in the Room is Joe  Biden’s son.  Is Congress ignoring the fact that his high paying jobs in Ukraine and China sounded suspicious?

Hunter Biden had a highpaying job in Urkraine due to his father's influence
Joe and Hunter Biden paying golf with Ukraine Gas Company Executives

Here’s what we know about Hunter Biden.  He got kicked out of the Navy  in May of 2014   because he tested positive for cocaine.  He made a bundle because of his Dad’s influence as Vice President of the United States. From 2014 until 2019, he served on the board of Burisma Holding, a Ukranian gas producer,making around $50,000 a month.  He made millions of dollars working with a private equity firm in China.    And now, the latest revelation comes from his baby mama in Arkansas , who’s suing him in a paternity case.  Apparently, this gallant fellow  denied he had fathered her child  born in August of 2018 until a DNA test proved he was, indeed, the father. It looks like Hunter is the black sheep of the family. But strangely, Congress hasn’t shown the slightest bit of interest in his lucrative deals with China and the Ukraine.

So, if Trump is impeached, Hunter Biden gets away with all that money he earned  because he was the son of the Vice President of the United States of America. .

Well, maybe he can use it to pay child support in Arkansas.


One good thing has come out of the impeachment hearings.   We’re now aware that our taxpayer dollars are being sent to support one of the most corrupt countries in the world. While the politicians fight it out in congress, we have to ask ourselves: Why do we send millions to Ukraine?

The cold war supposedly ended in 1991, when  U.S. President George H.W. Bush announced,  ” By the grace of God, America won the Cold War: ”  After that,  the average American stopped worrying about Russia .  Since Sept. 11, we’ve been preoccupied with ISIS, the Taliban  and terrorism.   So, why are we so invested in Ukraine?

Why send millions of dollars to corrupt Ukraine
Wikipedia quotes Ernest and Young as saying Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

It started in 2014, when Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and continued to occupy it. Many foreign policy experts believe that Ukraine,   caught in the middle between East and West., is the bulwark against Russian expansionism.  And so, through NATO,  we got sucked into sending aid to Ukraine.

 In 2015 The Guardian called Ukraine “the most corrupt nation in Europe”. According to a poll conducted by Ernst & Young (accounting firm) in 2017, experts considered Ukraine to be the ninth-most corrupt nation in the world.”

Marie Yovanovitch marching in gay parade in Ukriane
Marie Yovanovitch grew up speaking Russian.

So now, we’re in an impeachment inquiry about withholding money from  Ukraine.  At least two of the star witnesses have family ties to  either the Ukraine or Russia.   Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, Director of European Affairs for the National Security Council. was born in the Ukraine.  Former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’ s parents fled Russia before she was born in Canada.  She grew up speaking Russian.

So, what will happen if the president is impeached because he demanded an investigation into  Ukraine corruption?  Will we keep sending  more and more aid,  with no strings attached? ?    Maybe we’re spreading ourselves a bit thin, fighting battles all over the world and giving away money  without getting anything back in return.

Can the average American understand why we sent $400 million dollars in aid  to the Ukraine?  One of the most corrupt countries in the world?  Honestly, I don’t think so.