A Marine Reserve Center,  directly across the street from our house,  is a daily reminder of our brave Americans.  There’s a plaque near the building with the names of those in that battalion who recently lost their lives in the Middle East.   We’ve watched these fine men and women  come and go over the years. They seem like our own kin . Would I like to see a few  more names  on the plaque because we’re defending the Kurds?  Actually, no. And, will our retreat  influence the next election?  Do voters care about the Kurds or our mission in Benghazi?

This Marine Reserve Unit is directly across the street from our house
A plaque at the Marine Reserve Center has the names of four who gave their lives in the Middle East.

The 2012 attack on the American embassy in Libya brought about a two year investigation in 2014.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,  was  criticized for not coming to the rescue of the four American citizens who died in  Benghazi.  Because  the US ambassador was gay, he was singled out for extreme torture.  You might have thought this would  affect Hillary Clinton’s  support from the  LGBT community,  But obviously, it didn’t.  She easily won the popular vote in the 2016 election.

If we had stayed in Syria to defend the Kurds, how many of our men would have died?
If our troops had stayed to defend the Kurds, many of our soldiers would have lost their lives,

Now, we have the President’s decision to pull out of the Kurdish held territory in Syria, Apparently, the Turks informed the  President a massive invasion was about to take place.   If our troops  were to stay, many of our men would die 7,000 miles from home.   Questions about  the wisdom and integrity  of this  decision will drag on until the next presidential election.

But do these events  influence the way Americans vote?  In our modest, middle class neighborhood, yard signs supporting various political candidates proliferate .  From the looks of it, we’re fairly divided as to political party leanings.  In 2020 , will my  Republican neighbors  vote  against Trump–or Pence– because he decided not to stay and fight a losing battle? Will it be a deal breaker?  If we go on past history, I would doubt it.


We’ve all had some memorable Thanksgivings.  Mine happened while I lived in Miami,  and about to have my  third child.  For some reason, I was hosting Thanksgiving for my then husband’s brother & family from Wisconsin, and my in laws who lived an hour away.   Looking back, I wonder why a person who was 9 months pregnant would have made such a plan, without foreseeing the possibility of a little Thanksgiving glitch.

On Wednesday , I put my two children in the car, drove to Winn Dixie, bought a turkey and all the fixin’s, went home, and confidently chopped up onions and celery for the dressing.  After dinner, I set the table for eleven, got out all the serving dishes, and rubbed the turkey with garlic.  I suppose we watched television for awhile as I folded napkins and baked a couple of pumpkin pies.

A Thanksgiving baby
Baby Girl Born on Thanksgiving Day

About 11:30, I was awakened with those familiar cramps that signal a baby is urgently trying to escape from the womb. Even though I was 10 days from my due date,  I’d been through this before, and was afraid I I would not be cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  What would happen to the turkey?  Would it spoil in the refrigerator?  And where would everyone have dinner on a holiday when all the restaurants were closed?

My husband awakened our children, and we  drove to the hospital.  After I’d been put in the maternity ward, I urged my husband to take the children home so they could all get some sleep.  Secretly, I hoped this was a false alarm and I could go home and cook  dinner the next day.

 They hadn’t been gone half an hour before a slim, blonde nurse came to my side, looked at her watch, and drawled . “I think we’re going to have us a Thanksgiving Baby.” It was l a.m.,  and the doctor was at a party.  He made it just in time for the delivery , dressed in a suit and tie.

Someone else cooked Thanksgiving dinner the next day.  Probably, my sister-in-law.  When they came to see me me that night, everyone  said it had all been delicious.  They even put some leftovers in the freezer so that I could have Thanksgiving dinner the following  week.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Yes,  there was a little glitch in my Thanksgiving dinner plans.  But on the other hand, something had gone very, very right.   Fifty years later  I still have my beautiful Thanksgiving Baby Girl..