When I was a child,  most ordinary  women washed their own hair.   Once a week was the norm.  There were various shampoos like Prell that were supposed to do something special.  Afterwards, you might set your hair with pin curls, curlers , or in later years, rollers.   It wasn’t until the 1970’s that portable hair dryers made blow dried hair popular,  and women began to depend upon beauty parlors.   The point is, most women  are capable of washing and styling  their own hair. Especially during this pandemic. Speaker of the House  Nancy Pelosi apparently can’t do that. I guess we all saw the picture of her at a beauty salon last week, walking around with wet hair and no mask.  All of which is against  San Francisco’s restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.   C’mon Nancy, wash your hair.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Peolois should wash her own hair during this pandemic.
Nancy Pelosi was criticized for breaking pandemic rules at a hair salon last week. C’mon Nancy. Wash Your Hair.

It’s real simple.  Just step in the shower, apply some shampoo, rub it in, and turn on the water.  See, you don’t have to go to a beauty salon to have clean hair!  Of course, you need someone to put on the proper amount of goo and blow dry it to the desired style..   But you’d think an 80 year old woman would have figured out how to do that by now.   She seems pretty spry when you see her on television. 

Let’s give Nancy Pelosi the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe she has arthritic shoulders , and she can’t lift her hands to her head.  Or, she could be afraid of falling in the shower.  Doesn’t she have any help around the house?  I’m willing to bet she has a maid, cleaning woman, housekeeper, or whatever euphemism is used to describe women who earn their living by taking care of other people’s  needs.  And she has some daughters and grandchildren nearby who could help out—if they wanted to.  

 Nancy doesn’t appear to be frugal.  I can’t remember seeing her twice in the same outfit. Apparently, she lives in a gated community of mansions.  Surely, she has enough money to pay a hairdresser to come to her house.   Many people do that, especially if they’re handicapped. It boggles the mind to think she would break all the quarantine rules in San Francisco just to have her hair washed.    

C’mon Nancy, wash your hair.  


In this era of raging feminism, it seems ironic that America’s two most influential females are so obsessed with their looks.  Melania Trump’s smoldering eyes, pouting lips  and stiletto heels remind us of a Stepford Wife.  Nancy Pelosi’s beauty parlor hair and greasy slathers of makeup seem more like Gloria Swanson than Speaker of the House.  Both women’s big boobs make you wonder if there’s some padding or surgery at work.  And surely,  yards of Spanx are squeezing their bodies beneath those tight fitting dresses. How can these women even breathe?  These are Washington  DC’s two Aging Barbie Dolls in politics.

American women can't relate to Melania Trump

I’ve lived long enough to remember Eleanor Roosevelt, Bess Truman, and Mamie Eisenhower.  That was before president’s wives were expected to look like fashion models.  Then, we  had Pat Nixon and Roslyn Carter.  Both of these plain  women were  popular with the voters although married to unsuccessful  presidents. Jackie Kennedy may have been too fashion conscious , but at least she acted her age.

Betty Ford and Laura Bush were pretty,  but down to earth , and immensely well liked.  Nancy Reagan was a bit of a stick figure in her designer clothes, but her husband’s charm  overcame the vapid, blue eyed stare.  Poor Melania doesn’t even have that going for her.

More recently, we had  pant suit Hillary,  and  Michelle Obama –famous for her youthful arms and  gaudy sleeveless dresses.  Both  had the common touch,  and could relate to ordinary women.

Nancy Pelosi reminds us of an aging Barbie Dall

Remember the bra burning sixties and seventies?  That’s when women decided they would stop trying to meet impossible standards of beauty set by Hollywood. You would think that Nancy and Melania would get with the program.