According to psychologists, the worst months for depression are February and August.  Makes you wonder what’s so bad about those particular months.  But when you realize how fickle we humans are, it makes sense.  We may love the snow and ice around the holidays, but by February, we’re sick of it.  Ditto for August.  Loved spring flowers, Memorial Day , and 4th of July.  But we’re really tired of sweating under a blazing sun.  It seems like half the people we know are complaining of not feeling very well because of too much sun, or something they ate.  We want a change. Now.  But cool weather seems a long way off. Is August making you sick?  And if so, why?

Is August Making You Sick? Heat and humidity can really make you sick.
Is August making You Sick? The combination of heat, humidity, hay fever, and heavy food can make you feel awful.

The heat and humidity hit us in the face when we walk out of our air conditioned home and offices.   There aren’t any holiday picnics, because there are no August holidays.  However,  it’s a popular month for family reunions.  Which means that you’re  stuck outside with no A/C , making conversation with distant relatives, and eating foods full of mayonnaise like deviled eggs and potato salad.. If that doesn’t give you heartburn. just keep eating cake, cookies and pie.  Don’t be surprised if you start feeling a little queasy .

All of a sudden, some of us are starting to sneeze..  Even if you don’t suffer from fall allergies, chances are you know someone who does.  They’re the worst.  The afflicted feel worn out, irritable, and depressed.  Doctors advise them to stay indoors, which means they can’t enjoy all the outdoor activities unless they take allergy meds, all of which have side effects..   The only hope is for an early frost, hard enough to kill off all the pollen.  But with climate change upon us, that day comes much later than it used to—sometimes not until November.

School now starts in August—way too early.  What ever happened to After Labor Day school openings? Some kids dread school starting, while others are over excited.  It’s a stress for families buying  school supplies, spending a fortune on new school clothes and shoes. Inflation is making everything worse.

If you’re sending kids off to college, it may feel like  an emotional roller coaster.  Proud and happy that they’ve made it this far, but knowing how much you’re going to  miss having them around.  Sometimes, it’s hard to hold back the tears.

Is August making you sick?  You’re not alone. The August Blues are a real phenomenon.. But just as sure as night follows day, cool weather is coming. .  Soon, we’ll be eating crisp, tangy apples and enjoying  fall colors as the leaves turn..


Sun tanning has gotten a very bad name, due to worries about skin cancer.  And rightfully so.  I’m not recommending that you cook your skin until you look like a lizard.   But now is the time for Hoosiers to catch a few rays without much worry.  Here are 6 reasons to get some sun this week.

# 1.  It isn’t too hot, yet.  To me, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than lying out in the sun when it’s 80 plus degrees.  You’re  sweating and burning, and it’s just plain miserable.   But spring sun  is gentle, and the cool air is not so humid.

#2.  You’re  probably looking a bit pasty after being shut inside all winter.  Hopefully, you took your vitamin D, but that didn’t brighten your skin at all.  It’s important to use sunscreen, but that won’t prevent a few rays of ultra violet light from giving your face a little color.

#3.  The bees and mosquitoes are still in hiding.  You can enjoy the cool air and sunshine without swatting away bees and angry wasps that are headed straight for your skin.  Another week, when the magnolias and other flowering bushes and trees are in bloom, those busy little pollinators will be out in full force.

#4.  It will brighten your mood.  Many of us suffer from seasonal affective disorder without being aware of it.  For some, SAD is a very serious problem, leading to suicidal thoughts.  But even the happiest souls feel a little  blue toward the end of  winter, when they tire of looking at gray skies and barren landscapes.

#5.  A little morning sunshine will help you sleep better.

#6.  You will probably get more exercise the natural way on a sunny day.  Get out of that stinky gym, plant some flowers, ride your bike,  or take a walk in the park.   You might even lose a few pounds.

Experts recommend that everyone  should get 15 to 20 minutes of sunshine each day. Just don’t overdo it!