Is there a mall in the USA that doesn’t have a Santa?  This weekend  was a big one for the jolly old elf.  Parents lined up so their kids could not only see Santa, but get a picture with Santa.  Funny thing is, Mom and Dad seem to be having more fun than the children.  As you pass through the crowd, you hear kids crying and frowning as their parents cajole them into posing for a picture. Who’s afraid of Santa Claus, anyway?

Some children are afraid of Santa Claus.
Parents feel obliged to take their children to see Santa, but the kids may find him scary.

I’m pretty sure I had mixed feelings before I even met him.  The lyrics from Here Comes Santa Claus had me worried: “he knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.”  And my older siblings got a kick out of teasing  that I might get a bundle of sticks under the Christmas tree if I didn’t behave.

When I was around five, someone decided it was time for me to meet the old guy.  What parent doesn’t take their child to see Santa Claus?  Even back in the early forties, parents felt obliged to arrange a meeting.  I remember being a bit nervous as my sister took me by the hand and led me to Santa’s chair.  But the first thing I noticed was his beard. It was hanging from his chin by a wire.  I guess it had gotten unglued or something. But it made me wary.  No real Santa would have a fake beard.

I didn’t say much until later that night at dinner time. I voiced my suspicion that this Santa guy was a fake.  My parents didn’t know what to say, but my older sister stepped in with damage control.

“It actually was one of Santa’s helpers,” she said.  “Santa’s way too busy at this time of year to be so many different places at the same time. So he sends out  helpers to fill in for him.”

Believe it or not, I fell for that explanation– hook, line and sinker.  And I was pleasantly surprised when Santa  showed up Christmas morning by leaving a magic skin doll that I had requested.  And yet….a seed of doubt had been planted.  Before the next Christmas rolled around, I had figured out where the gifts were hidden in the closet.

For the most part,  mall Santas are there more for the parents than the children.  They will have a forever picture to show the kid on their wedding day what a good Mom and Dad they were.  Even if the child was actually scared to death.

Who’s afraid of Santa Claus, anyway?