In a couple of days, the electoral college will vote to certify the presidential election.  A lot of Republicans are going to protest, saying there’s proof of voter fraud in several states.  I doubt if that effort is going anywhere, but it makes you wonder if they’re going to keep pursuing it,  like a dog with a bone. What if it were true, after all?   Would we have to redo the entire election?

What if it were true? If election fraud was proven, would we redo the election?
What if it were true? If voter fraud is proven later on, would we redo the election?

This latest election has been a wake up call for many voters, who thought the voting process was uniform across the United States.  In my state of Indiana, you have to have a valid ID, and a signature check in order to vote in person or by absentee ballot.  That seems like a pretty reasonable requirement. However, I  did not know that other states have different rules.  You can vote by mail with no signature or identification.  Paper ballots can be run off on xerox machines, and they will be considered valid.  In states like Nevada, people can vote twice.

Up until now, I believed that real people counted the votes.  I was unaware that the task had been assigned to machines.  It really undermines a person’s faith in the entire electoral process.

If certain  states have allowed these loosey goosey voting requirements to go on for a long time, then it seems that both political parties are at fault.. Somewhere along the line, someone should have stood up and asked for election reform.  But since they didn’t, they have only themselves to blame for the current mess we’re in.

What’s happened now  is that most  American’s believe  that our  electoral system is deeply flawed.  Many of us have lost faith in the entire process.  That’s not good for our country in the long run.  The Democrats may have benefited from the loopholes in the system this time around, but it could come back to bite them in future elections if the Republicans figure out ways to beat the system in future elections.

Again, what if it were true?  What if proof of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election  finally comes to light a year from now?  Would  we have a do over election?  Would Biden have to move out, and Trump move back in the White House?  There’s no precedent for this scenario, and no rules established.  I guess the legislature would have to figure it all out.