A few months ago, we felt fairly safe in this city along America’s Death Row. Cases of Covid-19 were low compared to big cities like Indianapolis.  And then, late this summer,  that began to change.  Executions at the federal prison resumed on July 13.  Up to that point, there had been no executions for 17 years, and there were no cases of Covid 19 at the prison.  On Aug 28, Keith Nelson became the 5th person to be executed.  Now, the virus soars after  prison executions.  

The federal prison  complex has two facilities.  Before that last execution ,  they had 12 cases in the U.S. Penitentiary (maximum security), and 10 cases in the Federal Correctional institution (medium,minimum securities).  As of September 1,  the USP reported 70 cases, and the FCI reported 48 cases, for a total of 118 cases at the complex. With about 1400 inmates and 700 employees, that’s  a pretty high positive rate.  

 Is it any wonder?  Numerous outsiders were seated together in the death chamber during each of the executions.  This included eight journalists, and various family members of the crime victims and perpetrators.  There were lawyers, and spiritual counselors.  The exact number of people allowed to witness an execution has not been made public, but we know there were a lot of them. 

After executions at the federal prison brought in protestors and strangers, our covid cases soared.
Witnesses and protesters brought many strangers to our town. The virus soars after prison executions.

Then, there were the protesters who came from outside the city, starting with the first execution in July..  Hundreds gathered to protest against the death penalty. As a result, these people stayed in hotels and ate in restaurants. I don’t know who wore masks, or did or did not carry the virus.  I just know that cases in Vigo County skyrocketed after that.  Our positive rate is more than double that of Indianapolis. 

 Coincidentally, Indiana State University opened it’s doors to on campus learning last week. . To their credit, they are being transparent about their number of reported Covid-19 cases which now stand at about 94, including staff and students.  Compared to the University of Alabama, with 540 cases, that’s not too bad.  Hopefully, these young people will enjoy a speedy recovery.  

Back to the prison executions. I’m not opposed to the death penalty. But it   seems to me they could have waited until things settled down before bringing all these strangers to town in the midst of a pandemic.