Does anyone think that all Democrats are pro- choice and all Republicans are pro-life?  It sounds batshit crazy, but that’s what the politicians would have us believe.  What’s discouraging is that our legislators are not voting their hearts, but what they see as politically expedient.  As the saying goes, it’s all about the optics.  And as voters, I think we’re getting fed up with politicians who don’t listen to what we want in the state of Indiana.

According to a poll recently published by the Indiana Capital Chronicle: “Hoosiers don’t want a near-virtual ban on abortion. Instead, they support exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. And many are supportive of  allowing abortion up to 15 weeks of gestation.”   63% of Hoosiers support abortion rights.

politicians who won't listen learned a lesson when voters in Kansas refused to ban most abortions.
POLITICIANS WHO DON’T LISTEN to pro-choice advocates in Indiana may learn a lesson from Kansas.

 If you think those numbers are bogus, just look at what happened in Kansas.   In a rare show of common sense, the politicians decided to put the abortion issue up for a vote.  Smart move.  That way, no one is going to lose votes over this highly controversial issue.  Probably, since it’s a heavily red state, they presumed that people would vote down the current abortion laws.  Instead, a surprise at the polls resulted in abortion remaining legal in the  Kansas.   It looks like 69% of the population in that state supports women’s abortion rights.  If only our Indiana members of the Congress and Senate would do the same, and leave it up to the taxpayers to decide.

It’s a conundrum.  Why would Republicans wish that unwanted children  be born?  Everyone knows that those most affected will be  low income women.  Consequently,  forcing  them to have more  children will obviously result in more poverty, more welfare, and more money spent on Medicaid.  Why do  Republicans  want to go against their own core values of lower taxes,  hard work, and less dependence on government handouts?

If the Indiana legislature chooses to commit kamikaze over abortion rights, it’s enough to turn a Republican into a Democrat.    Come  November,  politicians who don’t listen to their constituents may find out they don’t have many.


By the time Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land in 1970, I was already married, with three children.  Consequently, I spent my entire adolescence and early twenties at a time when most  girls were virgins.  There was plenty of “making out” and “fooling around.” However,  young women  were dead set on preserving their virginity.  Because a baby born out of wedlock was a disgrace–not only to the mother, but her entire family.   Obviously, the fear of pregnancy was a powerful deterrent to pre-marital sex.  Yes, some did get pregnant, which meant they had shotgun weddings or were sent off on long vacations to stay with faraway relatives.  But after 1970,  women could sleep around the same as men did, knowing they didn’t have to give birth  if contraceptives failed.  Now, that’s all liable to change.  Will virginity make a comeback?

Will virginity make a comeback? If abortion is illegal, women will feaar having sex.
WILL VIRGINITY MAKE A COMEBACK? Women won’t feel as free to have sex if they can’t get an abortion.

Reading  obituaries of women over 80, and you will see that most of them married young.  Co-eds met their husbands in college.  If a guy wanted a regular bed partner, he was supposed to get married.    How many college students get married today? Living together without the benefit of matrimony  is the norm.

If you watch any of the streaming services like Netflix, you know that teenagers are expected to have sex as soon as they’re able.  Men and women hook up  with complete strangers .  Comedian Amy Poehler once bragged in a magazine article that she’d had sex with countless  men.  She even described  spotting  a handsome  man at an airport, finding a room to have very hot  sex, then walking away without ever seeing him again.  Did she worry about getting pregnant?  Of course not.

Before I go any further, let me say that I’m definitely pro-choice.  My husband was a campus minister who put his career and reputation on the line to help women get abortions when it was illegal in Indiana..    I don’t believe in having  unwanted children, for obvious reasons.

However,  before 1970,  few had to worry about getting sexually transmitted diseases.  And I’m not sure how I would have felt  after a series of short term love  affairs that didn’t end happily ever after.  Men should prepare themselves:  free sex will no longer be quite so free.

Some journalists report  that people are starting to be afraid of having sex. So what’s going to happen in states where abortion is illegal?    Will virginity make a comeback?





Soon, we’re going to have Vice Presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris questioning Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett as to whether or not she’s fit to be confirmed as a supreme court judge.   It’s going to be like a scene from the Wizard of Oz:   Sweet  Dorothy from Kansas pitted against the Wicked Witch of the West.  Get ready for a case of the sinner vs. the  saint,  

Amy Coney  Barrett is  mother of seven children–including two adopted black children, and  one  child with Downs Syndrome.  She’s been married to the same man for eighteen  years.  In contrast, when former San Francisco prosecutor Kamala Harris was twenty nine, she  hooked up with an influential  married man thirty  years her senior who helped her get ahead in politics.   Recently married, she has no children, only step children.

This is what then Democratic presidential candidate, Rep  Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii,  had to say about  Kamala Harris. :

As attorney general of California, “She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations, and then laughed about it when she was asked if she’d ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed a man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.”

Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett was voted most popular professor on three different occasions at the University of Notre Dame.  During her confirmation hearing in March of 2017,  a group of 450 former students signed a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, telling senators that their support was “driven not by politics, but by the belief that Professor Barrett is supremely qualified.” She also she had the unanimous support of her 49 Notre Dame colleagues, who wrote that they had a “wide range of political views” but were “united however in our judgment about Amy.”

The contrast between the two women couldn’t be more stark.  Kamala sashays around in a form fitting pants suit, while Amy  is seen holding a small child’s hand,  walking to the podium in a modest dress.
the saint vs the sinner: Barret vs. Harris
The saint vs. the sinner. There is  going to be a showdown between two very different women.

I have a  problem with Amy Barrett’s stance on abortion,  but it’s not a deal breaker.  This week in my city,   a beautiful, seven year old   boy was  murdered by his father with a  belt.  No unwanted child should be brought into this world, only to be tortured and killed.  This is why I am pro choice.  And I don’t think Roe vs. Wade will ever be repealed.

Nevertheless, we’ll soon have a ringside seat to an interaction between two very different women.. It will be interesting to see who prevails. The saint or the sinner?.