No one can predict how much time we’ll spend on this earth, but there’s a general perception that everything goes downhill after 80 years.  In some ways, that’s true in regard to physical capabilities.  There’s arthritis, high blood pressure, and all those other physical conditions that the elderly must cope with.  However,  this old dog learned 10  new tricks after her 80th birthday.  Since that milestone, I have learned to:

1. Start a blog. This was like learning a whole new language.  I could never have done it without the generous help of younger folks at Ivy Tech Community College and the Vigo County Public Library.

2. Make a smooth omelet. My omelets were always lumpy and falling apart. Finally, I went on You Tube and learned the secret is using a blender to whip up the eggs before pouring them on the skillet

Old Dogs Learn 10 New Tricks. You can learn to play Mahjong after 80
Old Dogs Learn 10 New Tricks. You can play Mahjong at any age.

3. Play Mahjong. I was a bridge player since college.  Years ago, I attempted to play Mahjong, but soon gave up, as it seemed too complicated. And then, three years ago, I was lucky enough to find the right teacher.  I still enjoy bridge, but Mahjong is just as challenging, without the pressure of pleasing a partner. And you can play online!

4. Navigate Netflix. We started sending for Netflix CD’s several years ago.  But when the pandemic hit, we kept hearing about all the Netflix series that could be streamed .  It seemed way too complicated, but a Netflix customer service person walked me through all the details.  Binging on a Netflix series like Bridgerton  helped us through the long winter of Covid-19 isolation..  We’ll be watching less TV this spring, but I’m so glad I learned how to stream.

5. Rebloom an amaryllis bulb. Three years ago, my husband ordered a pot of amaryllis just in time for Christmas.  I had never seen anything so miraculously blooming in the winter. After reading the instructions, saved the bulbs, and repotted them the next winter.  It was  exciting to see the leaves shooting up slowly, and 6 weeks later when the flowers bloomed again.   Now I’m hooked.  My basement has nearly a dozen bulbs hibernating until next winter.

6.  Stop a nosebleed. My husband is prone to them because he’s on blood thinners.  Usually, we called the doctor if it happened.  But during the pandemic, we didn’t want to sit in a doctor’s office with other patients. We got online and found  this advice: : Have the patient lean forward, not back.  Take a cotton ball and soak it in liquid nasal decongestant.  Put the cotton up the nostril that’s bleeding.  If you have a nose pincher, use that. Otherwise, pinch with your fingers.  Within 15 minutes, the bleeding  has usually stopped.

Other new skills acquired were: 7) Online banking: transferring money and paying bills via the internet, 8) Practicing daily meditation  using the Calm app.  9) Texting messages and sending  photos on my cell phone   10) Completing jig saw puzzles.

If  you dread  turning 80, or have already reached that milestone, just remember:   It’s never too late for old dogs to learn new tricks.