If you thought misogyny was a thing of the past, think again.  All you have to do is go on social media to see pages of derogatory posts  about Meghan Markle.  Although she graduated from a prestigious university,  became a successful actress and wrote a wildly popular blog, it seems she really can’t do anything right.  It’s bad enough that she married a handsome prince.  She’s also beautiful and smart—a lethal combination in the minds of the Meghan haters.  It’s okay to be beautiful if you know your place in the patriarchy and don’t try to compete with men.  It’s also fine to be bright if you’re overweight,  plain, or unattractive.  But beautiful and smart is just too much.  Male misogynists  see her as a threat to their masculine superiority, and the females  are green with envy.  All the media misogynists delight in gaslighting Megan.

MEDIA MISOGYNISTS GASLIGHT MEGHAN beause she's beautiful and smart.
MEDIA MISOGYNISTS GASLIGHT MEGHAN because she’s way too beautiful and smart.

Let’s start at the beginning.  A bi racial woman who lived in a garage apartment with a single mom is not supposed to rise to the top of anything. One of their favorite insults  is that she was a B actress.  Hey, what’s wrong with that? According to reports,  she made about half million a year while acting  in “Suits.” Not bad for a boot strapper.  Most of the A actors got there because of their connections with Hollywood insiders:  Dakota Johnson, Kate Hudson, Nicholas Cage, Sissy Spacek,   to name a few.  The list goes on and on.  But that’s okay—they somehow deserve their place on the A train.

The haters invalidate any of her words or actions by saying she’s nothing but an actress.  I suspect Megan became an actress for the same reason Harry became a prince.  Her parents worked in the movie business.  Harry’s parents were in the royalty business.  But if she says she was depressed or felt objectified by a part in a tv show, they refuse to validate her feelings.  She can’t express any emotion because to them, it’s all just “acting.”

And then, she had the nerve to marry an English prince.  Of course, she’s just  a gold digger.  I’ve heard that said a thousand times.  What?  You marry a charming, drop dead handsome hunk for his money?  I’d think you might fall madly in love with Harry even if he were nothing but a commoner..  In some ways, she’s the one who married “down.”  Harry never had to compete for a real job, and he didn’t even go to college. Megan struggled on her own to graduate college and make it as an actress.    Obviously, she’s the more accomplished of the two.  And I’ll give Harry credit for appreciating that.  He behaves as a gentlemen and treats her with the respect she deserves.

It’s glaringly apparent that the media misogynists want to  to bring Megan down to their level, or worse.  They’d love it if she ended up living in a trailer park and waiting tables at Hooters.  If that were to happen, they would finally get the schadenfreude they’re so desperately seeking. But I’m afraid they’re going to be disappointed, because Meghan is way too smart for that

Misogyny Targets Meghan Markle

Women have come a long way in the past 50 years. I came of age at a time when college girls weren’t allowed to wear pants on campus.  Jeans could be worn only to chemistry classes. Assertive women were shunned, especially if they were good looking.  But that all changed in the 60’s, when the pill allowed  women the same  freedom men had always enjoyed. Women no longer have to depend on men for their livelihood.  They now have access to careers  in formerly male -dominated occupations like doctor, lawyers, and engineers.  And yet, when we see the way misogyny targets Meghan Markle, we know it’s alive and well in Britain and all over the world.

Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan dislikes strong women.
Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan hates strong, powerful women.

Some misogynists simply hate all beautiful women. But  British television reporter Piers Morgan  demonstrates a particular kind of misogyny. They don’t hate beautiful women who conform to their ideal of the way women should act:  women who defer to men in all things, and behave as if they are inferior to men in ability and intelligence.  Morgan’s  particular kind of misogyny  is reserved for women with power and status, who stand up for themselves and make their own decisions.

Why do the British love Kate Middleton and hate Meghan Markle?  Because Kate is nothing more than a wife and mother.  She has never accomplished much of anything on her own.  She came from a wealthy family, and  was called “waity Katy,” because she dated Prince William for 9 years before he finally proposed.. She’s sweet and demure and never challenges the status quo.  She knows what good for her, and that’s to behave more or less like a Stepford Wife.  Look beautiful and fashionable,  and be a good sport when your husband has an affair with your best friend.

But Meghan was a bootstrapper from the git go.  A mixed race child from a marriage that ended in divorce.  A little girl envied and despised by her step siblings. Graduated from Northwestern University, then finally made it as an actress in a popular television series.  Then had the nerve to get a divorce from a man she no longer loved.  This is not what wins the heart of misogynists like Piers Morgan.

Misogyny is alive and well, even in the United States. Misogyny targets Megan Markle,  but you know what?  I think she can handle it.