While you’re young and active , it takes a lot to make you happy.  A big wedding.  A new house. Buying a late model car.  Giving birth to healthy children.   When that phase of life passes, you look forward to a busy retirement.  Many people ditch their homes and spend their golden  years exploring the United States in a big, expensive RV.  But what happens when you can’t do those things anymore?   When your horizons narrow, it’s time to refocus and enjoy the little things.   Seniors:  Savor life’s simple pleasures.

Although you own a car,  driving at night or an the interstate isn’t an option. But , you can still drive to the river and take a long walk  Or have a picnic in the park.  How many times does a working person  take time for such leisurely activities?  Yes, they might run or power walk  because that what’s people do now to keep fit.  But it’s really not as much fun as watching the ducks swimming across the water  while you sit with the sun on your face.

Going out to dinner at a fine restaurant was once a weekly highlight.  Now, a steak dinner with French fries is liable to keep you awake all night with heartburn.  It’s not much fun to eat out when everything is covered with butter or cream, or loaded with Mexican spices.  If you still enjoy cooking, it’s time to enjoy those old fashioned recipes that are easy on the tummy.  As an example, there’s nothing so delicious as Swiss Steak.  Choose a thick cut of lean round beef and simmer it all afternoon. ( You can leave off the gravy if you get heartburn).  Find some low fat, low calorie recipes in an old cookbook or on the internet.  You won’t miss those fancy restaurant meals at all. And you will certainly sleep better.

When your horizons narrow, begin to focus on the little things in life
If you can’t go South for the winter, bring Amaryllis bulbs back to life and watch their blooms unfold while the snow falls.

Indoor gardening is a great  joy when you can no longer drive South in the winter. Right now,  the stores are full of potted tulips and hyacinths. Lately, I’ve been having fun with amaryllis bulbs stored in the basement last fall,  and revived to re bloom this winter. . It’s exciting to see those little buds coming up out of nowhere, and watch them inch their way up to a beautiful, vibrant flower.

How often does a working person or busy retiree take the time to read a good book?  The average person only reads one book a year!  But now, those long winter afternoons provide a chance to go back and read the classics once again.  War and Peace.  Anna Karenina. Vanity Fair. Moby Dick.  Wuthering Heights. You may have had to read these books for a lit class, but this time around you can enjoy going back and lingering over every word.

Now is the time to get creative.  Paint pictures. Knit scarves. Write a blog.  Compose a poem.

Finally, get back in touch with childhood friends and relatives.    Maybe you can’t get together in person, but you can still write letters and talk on the telephone.  A surprising number of seniors have e mail, and know how to text.

Now is the time to focus on all the simple things you were too busy to enjoy before. Fix yourself a hot cup of tea and watch the snow fall..

Seniors: Savor Life’s Simple Pleasures