6 Things You’ll Miss About January

Even if you’re a winter person, you reach a point where you are fed up with  cold weather.   You try to get over it by envisioning  a day in July.  Imagine :  Your  sweaty legs sticking to your car seat.  Tossing and turning all night, but it’s too hot and humid.  You’re simply exhausted.   Hold those images for 2 seconds.  There! Aren’t you glad it’s Winter? ? ?  Not really. Summer memories are cold comfort when it’s below zero.  But wait. here are 6 things you will miss about January next July.

In July, there are 6 things you will miss about Januay
Winter is the time to snuggle under warm sheets and get a good night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep.  It’s an established fact that people sleep better in the winter. Turn down the thermostat, and snuggle under flannel sheets.  It stays dark  until about 8:30, so you’ll probably get an extra hour’s sleep.

You can always dress for cold weather, but not for hot.  When it’s snowing, you can pile on layers of clothing to keep you toasty warm.  Not so if you’re trying to enjoy a summer picnic. Even if if you’re in  a nudist colony , you are still going to sweat.   And get sunburned.

Productivity increases in winter months. You have more energy.   It’s been scientifically proven that people make better decisions in cold weather..  Hot weather slows down your brain. .  You don’t feel like studying or doing anything that’s mentally taxing when it’s 90 degrees outside. There’s a reason why countries with cold climates are more developed than tropical regions.

Skin and hair look better in cold weather. Your pores tighten,  and your complexion clears up.  Hair doesn’t get  greasy and frizzy like it does in hot, humid weather.

You don’t have to do as much laundry.  Because you sweat less,  outerwear stays clean  for a longer time between washings.

No insect bites.  You don’t have to slather on insect repellent every time you go outdoors.  You can take a walk outdoors without worrying  about bee stings or  West Nile Virus .

It may be cold comfort when its below zero, but you will miss these 6 things about January.