Ernest Hemingway once said that courage is grace under pressure. If anyone epitomizes that definition, it’s Prince Harry, along with his wife Meghan Markel. In comparison to the current King Charles and his oldest son Willian, Harry has shown more courage in his little pinky than the two of them together. He had to give up all his royal privileges and inherent wealth in order to follow his own moral compass. The media and Tories over in the UK , and here in America have engineered a brutal assault against his chances for happiness, And yet, he goes on. Such is the stuff of nobility that true Kings have demonstrated throughout history, in every continent and island in the world. Harry shows grace under pressure.
What real pressure have King Charles of England and his heir apparent had to face? Both of them have had the monarchy in the bag from the day they were born. Besides, they both have piles of money accumulated over centuries of ruling the English people. Harry’s inheritance from Princess Diana is a pittance compared to what those two have under their belt.
Harry’s radiant and inspiring appearance at the Invictus Games is, in itself, a sign of his true nobility. Having started the game for disabled men and women soon after bravely serving 10 years in the British Air Force. The Brits may have sour grapes, but the rest of the world seems to love Harry and Meghan. The Nigerians see her as a warrior princess: Royal Wife.
Of course the two of them have made some mistakes and done a few cringe-worthy things, but isn’t that what humans do? Former governor of California Jerry Brown recently said that all politicians make mistakes. That’s part of being a real live person, not some stiff robot that never steps out of line, choreographs his every move, and never makes a public gaffe.