When it comes to election day,  the big question is:  what emotion will generate the most votes?  As Tina Turner used to say, “what’s love got to do with it”?  Most of the TV commercials for my state’s midterm election are focused on the awful things the opposing candidate has or hasn’t done. Apparently,  the candidates are banking on hatred for the other guy to win you over.

You have to wonder if all the angst stirred up by the Kavanaugh confirmation is going to mobilize members of both major parties.  Will love or hate  drive them to the polls on election day?  And if so, will they cancel out each other’s votes?  And will the latest odds by CNN prove accurate? They’re saying the Democrats will take the House, and the Republicans will prevail in the Senate.  It will be interesting to see if the predictions are accurate.


In big cities, people with like minded political views tend to hang out together.   But in the small college town where I live, I interact with people from  various economic backgrounds on a daily basis.  I know flaming liberals and die hard conservatives–and right now,  they’re an angry bunch.  Liberals tend to verbalize their opinions openly, so you pretty much know who is going to vote for the Democratic candidates.  The close-mouthed quiet ones are more apt to be Republicans, but that doesn’t mean they’re not headed for the polls in November.

The country has never been so divided and polarized as it is today.  I can remember some very contentious elections, but somehow, people were civil.  No one would have dreamed of attacking a politician in a restaurant or theater and forcing them to leave. About the only place a politician can feel safe nowadays is in a church.  And that could change at any time!