Once you’ve turned 80, you realize how many presidents you’ve known (or endured) in your lifetime. There are times when I think the country might do better without a  president, because we’ve lasted through so many of their poor decisions and mistakes.  Thankfully, they’ve done a few things right, which is probably one reason we’re still standing.  Not sure if I’ll be around for the 2024 election,  so just in case I’m not, I have a few suggestions for the next President of the United States of America.

6 suggestions for next president: Don't throw ketchup on the wall
6 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE NEXT PRESIDENT: #6 Don’t throw plates against the wall. Someone will have to clean up the ketchup.

#1.  Don’t ride in an open convertible during a parade.  Presidents used to do that all the time.  I remember the thrill of looking into Dwight Eisenhower’s beautiful blue eyes on one of his visits to Chicago. However, it didn’t work out well for John F. Kennedy in Dallas. .

#2.  Bury the tapes.  If you’re going to do something so foolish as to break into the opposing party’s election headquarters, for heaven’s sake, hide the evidence. Nixon  thought he was preserving an important part of history by saving all of his conversations regarding Watergate.  But the tapes came back to bite him.  If the next president tries such a break-in, it will be much more complicated.  He’ would have to erase all the text messages, e mails, and records of cell phone calls.  Better yet, he should  conduct any  communication regarding such an activity  one-on-one, inside a big closet.  But make sure it’s debugged.

#3. If you’re feeling sick, don’t attend a state dinner with the Japanese Prime Minister.  You’re liable to vomit in his lap, and it will make international headlines.  George W. Bush later claimed it was just  a simple case of the flu.  Unfortunately, it was right around election time, and many people thought that  episode contributed to his defeat.

#4 . Don’t smoke cigars, and if you do, keep them out of the oval office.  Especially  while conducting a tryst with an intern.  And if things get out of hand, make sure you have a change of clothes available.  Unlike Bill Clinton,  don’t let her leave the room  with the evidence .  And once you have the blue dress, cut it up in little bitty pieces and flush it down the toilet.

#5. Speaking of toilets:  Don’t use the toilet while talking to reporters.  LBJ was known for sitting on the pot while conducting interviews.  He got away with such crude behavior for awhile, but in the end, he realized he couldn’t get re elected.

#6. Unlike Trump,  don’t throw plates against the wall when you get mad.  Somebody will have to clean up the ketchup, and eventually, they’re going to testify before some congressional committee about your poor anger management skills.  There are lots of apps now that help with that.  Subscribe to something like CALM, meditate once a day, and do some deep breathing exercise before meeting with your attorney general after the election  .

I don’t know about you, but I’m really hoping the next president won’t be an octogenarian like myself.   We need a younger candidate who has demonstrated some common sense. But why would any sensible person want to run for president?


Decades ago,  charisma was a popular word.  The first time I ever saw a charismatic politician was when I lived in Chicago. President Dwight  Eisenhower came to town in 1960, and over one million people stood in the streets to cheer him on.  I happened to be in the front row when he drove by, sitting atop  a convertible seat.  Just for a moment, our eyes met.  A shiver ran through my entire body.  He was old and white haired.  But  with his brilliant blue eyes, robust coloring and  warm smile, the man radiated charisma.

Whatever happened to charisma? Our recent presidents don't have it.
Whatever happened to charisma? Both parties need a leader who has it.

What is charisma?    The dictionary describes it as a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

A lot of presidents haven’t had it.   Nixon, Carter, Johnson and Bush were good speakers,  but they didn’t have that spark.  John Kennedy had it.   He was young,  handsome, and inspiring when he said:  “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Ronald Reagan had it.  When his enemies attacked him, he didn’t get mad.  Just smiled and said, “there you go again.”  I don’t remember him ever calling his opponents bad names.  He was just the gipper.  Smiling, confident, unflappable.

Barack Obama had it.  All you had to do was read his book, “Dreams From My Father” to know he was sensitive, empathetic, inspiring,  and yes, charismatic.

In 2008,  they started holding workshops that could teach people how to be charismatic.  But the truth is, charisma is hard to teach.  I think it’s something a person is born with.

Fast forward to the present day.  A lot of people compared Trump to Reagan. But Trump doesn’t have  charisma.  Trump is an entertainer.  He’s funny and dynamic, but when he starts the name calling,  it’s over.  Charismatic people don’t run  people down;  they lift you up on eagle’s wings.   Our current president Biden is affable and pleasant, but he doesn’t make your heart swell when he delivers a speech.

Our country is in desperate need of a presidential candidate who has charisma.  There has to be someone out there who can charm and inspire us to loftier goals.

Whatever happened to charisma?