What is the best age for Christmas?  If you were lucky enough to have a stable home, perhaps it was before you became a teenager.  No extra work, no presents to buy–just a time for Christmas trees, cookies, caroling,  and waiting for Santa.  Then comes middle age, and the hectic holidays.  When you’re trying to bring cheer to your home and workplace, while worrying about your parents, co workers and kids.  But it’s still a fun, festive time.  And then, all of a sudden, you’re eighty,  and it  is not quite  the same. Holidays can be bittersweet for seniors.

Holidays may be bittersweet for seniors. Too much rich food can give you heartburn.
HOLIDAYS CAN BE BITTERSWEET FOR SENIORS. You have suffered losses of family and friends.  And long, festive meals may wear you out.

If you’ve made it to this milestone age, you’ve surely endured a lot of losses.  Parents and siblings. Death of a spouse or worse yet, a child.  Divorce. Friends who’ve either moved away or passed on.  And then, the loss of youthful energy and health. Many are suffering from a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, emphysema, or kidney failure.   You may be on a cane or in a wheelchair. But still, you look forward to the holidays–the decorations, music, and most of all, visits from loved ones.

Holiday meals may be delicious, but they’re apt to give you indigestion. .  It’s tempting to  pour gravy over the turkey, butter the roll s,  and  pile whip cream on the pie.   But if you over indulge, you’re apt to pay for it with sleepless nights filled with heartburn.  Be careful what you eat.  Remember, your tummy isn’t accustomed to all the extra  fat, salt, and sugar .

Family gatherings can warm your heart, but also wear you out.   Unfortunately, your body isn’t accustomed to long hours of sitting in a chair while visiting with relatives..  Festive holiday meals may drag on for hours.  Toasts, turkey carving, numerous courses, wine, conversation.  It used to be so enjoyable, but now you’re feeling sleepy before they bring out the fruitcake.

It’s important to realize that holidays can be bittersweet for seniors.  A song or photograph may trigger feelings of grief for what’s been lost.  Don’t expect  to be the life of the party or host a holiday meal.  Pace yourself.  You needn’t apologize for taking a short nap.   Do what you can, but don’t overdo.  And feel gratitude  that you’re still around for another holiday season. .