Flu shots are a done deal.  Everyone has to get one. If you don’t, and you catch the flu, your friends and family will tell you it’s your own fault, and you won’t receive much sympathy.  You might even have to heat up your own bowl of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

Health care providers assure us that side effects seldom occur, and if they do, they’re minimal in the majority of cases.  They make  vague references to the possibility of  aches, pains, fever, and fatigue for “a couple of days,” after receiving the shot.

Even if it makes you sick, you must get it

I have always been in that unlucky minority that experiences unpleasant side effects after a flu shot..  When I was younger, I would have a stiff neck, fatigue, and a yucky feeling for two or three days.   And then,  about 10 years ago, I got the dreaded shot, endured the side effects, and proceeded to get the flu, anyway.  That’s not unusual, since the shot is at most , 60% effective. However,  after that nasty episode, I chose to avoid  flu shots, and happily, did not get the flu.  My husband always got a flu shot, and never got the flu, so he may have been inadvertently protecting me from the virus..

Last year was a wake up call for me.  No flu shot, as usual, and then, wowza!  I came down with the most miserable case of the flu I had ever experienced. Even though I stubbornly resisted calling the doctor,   I often wondered if I would make it through the night.

This year, I had to face  facts.  But I also knew I should make plans before I scheduled a flu shot.  Looking at my calendar, I found a week when I had nothing really important to do, or places I needed to go.  On a sunny Monday morning, I bravely walked into Walgreen’s where a pretty young pharmacist gave me a “senior” flu shot that didn’t hurt a bit. There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?

It  did not turn out as well as I had hoped. Seniors now get a really strong flu shot, which meant that my aches and pains were worse than before, accompanied by an upset stomach. So glad I planned ahead as to the best time to get my shot.

My husband had the same symptoms, and I hate to tell you, they lasted off and on for almost two weeks for both of us.  Talked to many seniors who had the same experience. It’s a dirty little secret that health care providers don’t want you to know about.  And it’s all because the shots stimulate your immune system, which isn’t in very good shape if you’re over 65.

Will I get the flu shot again?  Yes, because if I catch the  flu, it might be fatal  or  I could  infect  others.   But that doesn’t mean I have to like it