Be careful what you post on social media.  We’ve been hearing that for years—ever since Facebook began.  And yet, some people still haven’t got the message.  I have a friend who hires young people for jobs that don’t require a college degree. So how does he check them out?  First, he’ll do a routine background check.  But he doesn’t stop there.  Before he’s even received that first report, he’s already googled the job seeker’s Facebook.   There’s hardly a twenty something alive who doesn’t have an account.  And he always turns down candidates with what he considers offensive posts.

Facebook can cost you a job. If your cover photo looks like this, you may not get hired.
Facebook can cost you a job.  A cover photo like this may turn off prospective employers.

What’s offensive?  First and foremost, young women who post provocative pictures of themselves.  It’s amazing how many do.   “Hot” pictures of a woman in underwear with her tongue hanging out may attract a person hiring pole dancers.  But for an ordinary position like a restaurant server or office clerk, it’s usually a deal breaker.  You have to wonder what these girls are thinking.   Are they hoping to attract a man?  If they do, it’s going to be the wrong type. Like maybe an abuser or sex addict or even a serial killer.

The second worst turnoff is vulgar, four letter words or posters—especially if they’re accompanied by hostility.  Who wants a potty mouthed, outspoken angry person working in their organization?

Political rants and raves may offend an employer who doesn’t share your views. Best wait until you’re safely retired to express your opinion about elected officials.

Sometimes, a job candidate won’t have a Facebook page.  Or if they do, they don’t show their picture, and don’t post..  That’s not a good thing either.  The  person  may or may not have something to hide.  Actually, they could simply be a private person who isn’t comfortable posting on Facebook.  But that doesn’t help a prospective employer at all.  If he can’t find out a little bit more about you, he may hire the person who has a “good” Facebook page.

What attracts employers?  Family pictures are always appealing.  You love your mom and dad and brothers and sisters.  You enjoy holiday gatherings.  All of which means you’re a normal, caring human  being. Next are sports and school pictures.  Anyone who plays volleyball or tennis is probably in good health, and well disciplined.  Vacation pictures show that you are well rounded and  like to relax. Just don’t show yourself at a nude beach.

Be careful what you post on social media apps like Instagram, too.

Remember:  Facebook can cost you a Job.


Remember the first time you sent an e mail?  It was so exciting to write to a friend or relative via the internet.  No more sitting down with cramped fingers to write a real letter. No purchase of stationary and stamps, or trips to the mailbox.  It was just as exciting to receive an e-mail.  And then there was Facebook.   For some, it became the ultimate form of braggadocio.  Look at my wonderful life! But for most of us, it was a fun way to share photos through cyberspace with family and friends.   But have you noticed what’s happening lately?  Are Facebook & E Mail becoming obsolete?

Are Facebook & E mail Obsolete? They're being used less all the time.
Are Facebook & E Mail Obsolete? More people are texting, and fewer are posting on Facebook.

While I used to look forward to opening my e mail, now I dread it.  Usually, I have at least 50 e mails from people trying to sell me something.  And then there are the political e mails.  For some reason, both the Democrats and Republicans think I might be interested in their causes. Maybe it’s because of my blog. I’m apt to criticize or comment on any male or female politician, regardless of their  party.  But if I criticize a Democrat, the Republicans think I may want to contribute to their campaign, and vice versa. They’re both wasting their time, because I won’t send money over the net to any political candidate.

Why do I keep my e mail account active?  Because for some family and friends, my old e mail address is the only way they know to contact me.  Especially if we haven’t kept in touch.  And there are times when you need it for changing passwords and doing other business.

Most people in my social network seldom use e mail.  They text.  I used to resist texting because it’s difficult to use cell phone keypads with arthritic fingers.  But there’s no longer a choice.  If you can’t text, you’re out of the loop.  Pictures, too, are much easier to send with messaging.

For the past few years, Facebook posts have become annoyingly political.  I like seeing photos  of your kids and the rosebush  in your yard, but I do not want to read  your rants and raves about Trump, Biden, or any politician.  Don’t you think I have sense enough to form my own opinions at this age?  There’s one group I belong to which has posts about growing up in my city.  These are what I would term neutral.  No one can get mad about seeing an old school building or skating rink.  But generally speaking, fewer and fewer people are active on  Facebook.  And those who are, post less frequently. .

Are Facebook and E mail obsolete?  Not quite, but they’re fading fast.