If you were young and single in the fifties, there were a lot of bad girls out there.  Unmarried females weren’t supposed to have much of a sex life.  To do so, would be at great risk to your reputation.  Intimacy allowed in unmarried relationships was limited and clearly regulated.  Kissing was about the only thing a girl could do if she wanted to have a “good reputation.”  If you were going steady in high school, pinned during college, or engaged after that, you might go a  little further.  But going “all the way” was verboten.  Nevertheless, a lot of so-called trashy girls, did.  But now, we’re into the 21st century, and you have to wonder. Where have all the bad girls gone?

 Of course, the real reason for all the abstinence was the fear of pregnancy.  If a bad girl did get pregnant,  the young man responsible was expected to marry her.  However, there was no DNA testing available.  Consequently,  If a man wanted to contest a paternity suit, all he had to do was take five of his buddies with him to court.  That was the magic number. Five.  If five males swore under oath that they, also, had sex with the pregnant girl, the man was off the hook. He didn’t have to marry her or pay child support.  The assumption being that promiscuity precluded the ability  to ascertain which man was the biological father. 

 In 1963, availability of oral contraceptives began to change all that.  Girls could have sex without worrying so much about pregnancy.   The pill was a far more reliable method of birth control than condoms.  Then, ten years later , the most  important thing happened:   Roe Vs. Wade made it legal for women to get abortions.  Finally, women were free to act like men always had.  Call it free love, free sex, whatever.  All of a sudden, girls and boys started living together even if they weren’t married.  If a girl got pregnant and had a baby, it was because she wanted to, not because she had to.  Now, 40% of all births are to single moms.  There are no bad girls anymore. 

Where have all the bad girls gone? Kamala Harris would have been considered one back in the fifties.
Where Have All The Bad Girls Gone? Back in the fifties, Kamala Harris would have been considered one of them.. The Times, They Are A Changing.

Which brings us around to the love life of Kamala Harris,  the vice presidential candidate for the 2020 election.   It’s public knowledge that she had a long time affair with Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco,  when she was twenty-nine and he was sixty..   Fifty years ago, a woman who had a very public affair with a married man would have been considered one of those “bad girls.”  There were names for women who did such things—four letter words  ending with T.   Certainly she would not have been seen as fit for the  2nd highest office in the United States.  The Times , They Are A Changing..

Where have all the bad girls gone?   I’m not sure there ever were any.  


A few years ago, my children decided that all of us should take a DNA test.  I really didn’t want to know if I had a marker for some serious disease , but just to please them, I forced some spit out of my dry mouth into a test tube. The results left me wondering: should you take a DNA test?


My test , the first of its kind,  cost my kids $150.  Now, several  DNA testing companies have gotten in on the act.  You can spend anywhere from $90 to $190 for a DNA analysis. Someone had a Christmas special for $59 which apparently pulled in some big bucks. About half the young people I know had received one as a  Christmas present.   What are they hoping to find when they get the results?  The TV ads picture a person who thought he was mostly German and turned out to be half Spanish.  So how will that new found knowledge change his life or make him any happier?

Some people aren’t pleased with the results. One friend, upon discovering that he was one fourth Jewish,  concluded that his maternal grandmother, who was an actress, must have had an affair with her Jewish director.  It didn’t occur to him that 100 years ago, many Jewish immigrants  changed their surname to avoid the discrimination that was so widespread at the time.  And what does it matter now?

As I said before, many companies have jumped in on the DNA Testing cash cow. According to a reporter from Science News,  you can get tests from at least five different organizations, and get five different results.  Why are the results so different? Because DNA testing is a very inexact science.

My results didn’t tell me much. I always knew I came from French, German, English and Irish ancestry.  The DNA analysis told me I was of “Northern European” heritage, which means absolutely nothing at all.  Europeans from every part of that continent have roamed around the globe for thousands of years, starting wars, intermarrying, raping the conquered, and traveling to find better opportunities.

One important aspect of the test purported to show genetic “markers” for various diseases.   It did show that I don’t have the Alzheimer’s marker, but even if I had, it didn’t mean I was going to get the disease. To tell the truth, at this age, I don’t want to know that I might or might not  come down with.  If and when that happens, I will deal with it at the time. I certainly don’t want to spend the rest of my life waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Children who were adopted, or perhaps in foster care, might  benefit from DNA testing.  They might even find some siblings if they, too, had submitted their spit to a DNA testing company.  Other than that, it seems to me it’s much ado about nothing.