Most people don’t like to be in a roomful of strangers.  You know nothing about them—whether they’re hateful , rude, snobby, or unpleasant to be around.  When entering a restaurant in a new  city, we don’t feel comfortable surrounded by men and women we’ve never met.  Then, someone walks in the door with a baby , and the whole atmosphere changes.   People smile and wave.  Everybody loves a baby.

Babies bring families together

Science has proven that the maternal instinct is wired into women’s  brains.  And it’s a good thing, because those “love” hormones get a parent though  a lot of sleepless nights.  But even if it isn’t your own child or grandchild, most people sort of melt when they see a sweet little baby.  Why is that? Psychologists say it’s because we feel safe and secure around a baby. They aren’t judging us.  If we smile at them, they often smile back.  And even if they cry, we still think they’re cute because we know it has nothing to do with us, personally.  Maybe they’re tired, or sick, or  afraid of strangers—just like we are.

They’re sweet  and appealing and uninhibited.  We love the softness of their skin and the brightness of their eyes. They remind us of our own children when they were babies, and bring back wonderful memories.

Best of all, a new baby  often brings families closer together. Family feuds and past resentments fade away at holiday gatherings  when there’s a baby in the midst.  You don’t have to force conversation or talk politics.  All you have to do is ooh and aah while a toddler takes his first steps, or holds out her arms to be held. And sometimes, relatives who have been estranged are reunited when a new baby is born.  Everybody loves a baby.

Family feuds are forgotten when a new baby arrives

“Pretty Baby” was a popular hit tune written in 1915.  But most of us who are alive today remember it as  crooner Dean Martin’s hit album in 1957.


Everybody loves a baby
That’s why I’m in love with you
Pretty baby, pretty baby
And I’d like to be your sister
Brother, dad and mother too
Pretty baby, pretty baby

Won’t you come and let me
Rock you in my cradle of love?
And we’ll cuddle all the time
Oh, I want a lovin’, baby
And it might as well be you
Pretty baby of mine

Everybody loves a baby
That’s why I’m in love with you
Pretty baby, pretty baby