You seldom see a stray shopping cart in the better parts of town.  But they’re scattered all over our inner city, and it’s getting worse.  Yesterday,  I saw a couple with a cart absolutely loaded to the brim, navigating it across a busy street, far from the Dollar Store.  At first, I felt annoyed that someone was stealing a cart in broad daylight.  But then, I saw it from their point of view.  Obviously, they don’t own a car.  However, they’re no different from the rest of us.  They need to eat, and do laundry, and use all the products that are necessary to get us through life. The Bible says the poor will always be with us.  That’s especially true in our town, with a 26% poverty rate. And that’s why shopping carts litter the city.

Shopping Carts Litter The City. It detracts from its image and appearance.
In a place with a 26% poverty rate, shopping carts litter the city.

It must be a calculated risk on the part of Dollar Stores and pharmacies..  Locating in an area of ramshackle dwellings takes some courage. I’m wondering if they have  trucks that scour the area , picking up carts from sidewalks and streets.  It would be nice to think a person would return a cart they’ve taken, but they probably don’t.

It’s actually illegal to steal shopping carts.  But would any cop stop a woman with two kids, wheeling a shopping cart down the sidewalk?  If arrested, they would probably say they were “borrowing” the cart.  And maybe, just maybe, they really do plan to return it.  Obviously, it’s not something you want in your kitchen.

It’s one of those problems that nobody knows how to solve.  We provide food banks for hungry people, and diapers for mothers who can’t afford them.  But how can we help the poor and disabled  in a city with limited public transportation?  I’ve seen people getting off the bus with loaded grocery bags, but they still have to get them from the bus stop to their homes.  Maybe that’s the next non-for-profit in the works.

We can erect beautiful out door sculptures, and build a spectacular new convention center. We might even get a flashy casino.  Meanwhile, shopping carts litter the city,  detracting from its appearance and image.


What has happened to your weight during this pandemic?  It’s been a struggle for me, because I’m unable to walk or swim every day like I used to.  The pool is open, but cases are skyrocketing in this city, so I’m afraid of taking a chance.  And  walking  outside in 90 degree heat is not recommended  at my age. The air conditioned mall used to be a good place to walk on hot days, but during covid-19, it doesn’t seem too wise .  So, I’ve become a reluctant couch potato this week.   Boredom leads to snacking.  Things like cheese and chips are tempting, but there’s a healthier alternative.  Almonds to the rescue! 

Almonds to the Rescue. They're low in calories and high in nutrients.
Almonds to the rescue! During this pandemic, reach for heart healthy snacks.

 According to the Harvard School of Public Health “ Almonds  reduce heart disease risk by lowering total and LDL cholesterol, and exerting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Almonds also contain phytonutrients that support the growth of beneficial gut microbes. Controlled trials have shown that nut intake can decrease inflammation, promote healthy blood vessels, and reduce insulin resistance.” 

 In a word, Almonds are really good for you  They’re nutritious and help control hunger.  When you get those mid morning or mid afternoon cravings, just reach for a handful of almonds..  Although 10 almonds  only have about 78  calories, you can overdo it.  Don’t eat half a can!  Chew them slowly , then firmly close the lid or fasten the bag  and put them out of sight.  

 Some people shouldn’t eat almonds.  Especially, if you’re a senior who has difficulty with chewing and swallowing.  You sure don’t want an almond stuck in your gullet!  Little kids shouldn’t have nuts  because they don’t chew things up carefully.  

 Almonds are fairly expensive compared to less healthy snacks like chips and candy.  However, they’re often on sale for half price at major pharmacies  like CVS  or Walgreens.  That’s when I stock up for a monthly supply.  Blue Diamond gives you almonds with different flavors like honey roasted, smokehouse,  soy, and just plain lightly salted.  You can get them unsalted, too, but those aren’t very interesting.  

 If you don’t like almonds, you could try peanuts, walnuts, or mixed nuts.  However, they have more calories and don’t have as many nutrients. 

If you’re unable to walk or work out some days, be sure you don’t overeat.  Almonds to the rescue.!