Stay At Home Diary: Week 5

I thought we were weren’t too stressed about the lock down, but I think the anxiety of the coronavirus is causing  a few somatic symptoms.  I used to have panic attacks when I was a teen, so I remember what they’re like.  This week, I woke up and felt one coming on again.  Luckily,  my “Calm”  App was there to get me through it.   Just a few deep breaths and I was okay.   I’m having flashbacks to WWII and later,  the polio epidemic that paralyzed so many young people when I was growing up.   My husband is a diabetic. Now, he’s having problems controlling his blood sugar.  Although he seems outwardly calm,  the stress may be raising his sugar.  He will have to call his doctor next week.

Tornado in nearby  county this week. 70 mph winds here.  Blew our mail box down and broke it.   The mailman drove right on by without delivering our mail.  I called the post office, and the next day, we got a packet of mail tied with a string which said, “box down.” This is not a good time to install a new mailbox.

Venturing out once a week to shop  in my coronavirus gear.  Cap,  glasses, face mask, gloves.   Muslim women who wear burkas don’t have to worry about all that.  They’re already dressed for the pandemic.

Forgot it was Easter week until too late.  Got online to order Easter Crème Eggs from Fannie May for all my grandchildren, and it turns out you can’t have them shipped any more.   For the first time in their lives, my children did not receive any Easter candy from me.  I sure miss seeing my youngest grandson with a smear of chocolate on his face.  He does love those chocolate bunnies.

On Easter morning, my girls arranged a group skype.  We had never done that before and it felt very cool.   But then, they pointed out that Skype is so outdated that they almost forgot how navigate it.  Seems everyone uses apps like Zoom conferencing.  They think that’s probably beyond my technological capacity,  but I’m going to watch some you tube tutorials and surprise them.

Slim pickings in our daily newspapers on Easter Sunday.  No grocery store ads.  Reporters have been furloughed, and there are fewer pages to read. We used to spend an hour going over both papers, but this Sunday it took about ten minutes.  At least we can still read the funnies

Geese in park don't worryabout coronavirus
Geese in the park aren’t worried about COVID-19.  Stay At Home Diary: Week 5

Still walking when weather permits, and trying to get 15 minutes of unfiltered sunlight every day it doesn’t rain.  Geese in the park aren’t worried about coronavirus.  And a robin is building a nest in the bush beside our porch.

 Life goes on.


Are you worried about your children missing a couple months of school?  This week, I downloaded  a great Kindle  book, “Educated.”  The  memoir seems very timely now, with all the school closings due to COVID-19.  Author Tara Westover  never attended elementary school or high school. She wasn’t even home schooled.  And yet, she graduated from Brigham Young University,  and received  a Ph.D from Trinity College in Cambridge, U.K.   Her older brother taught her to read, but she had to teach herself algebra before she could get into college.

Stay At Home diary: week 4 Read Educated
EDUCATED is a book you must read if your child’s school has closed. due to COVID-19.  Stay At Home Diary: Week 4

On Wednesday,  I weeded the flower beds. And tomorrow, if it doesn’t rain, I’m going to transplant some Hosta. It’s great to be out in the fresh air, and digging in the dirt. .

My husband has agreed to let me trim his beard.  I’m letting my own short hair grow longer. I may come out of this with a new hair style.

It’s strange watching TV reporters social distancing and reporting from home.  They look so pale and their features appear distorted without the fancy make up and good lighting.  I bet they hate seeing themselves on TV.  Some of their home environments don’t look very snazzy.   Plain white venetian blinds? A microwave on top of your frig?  If it were me, I think I’d rig up a nicer background.   Some pretty curtains, maybe.  A  plant or two?   Anything but venetian blinds or a microwave oven.

Finally, got out some old cookbooks, looking for  recipes that don’t call for canned soup (Stores are completely out). Made Chicken Tetrazzini using white sauce as a base.  My husband doesn’t like mushrooms, so I substituted green peppers.  It was so good! Also, I didn’t add salt.  You can add salt and pepper to taste.

Now is the time to fix comfort foods like turkey tetrazinni
Stay At Home Diary: Week 4. Made Chicken Tetrazzini without canned soup


1 pound thin spaghetti

½ cup butter or margarine

½ cup  flour

3   cups milk

2 cups chicken broth

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

2  cans (4 oz.) mushrooms, drained ( or a diced green pepper)

2 or 3 cups diced  chicken (or turkey)

½ cup grated parmesan cheese

Reheat oven to 350 degrees .  Lightly grease a baking dish.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add spaghetti, and cook for 10 minutes. Drain, and place in baking dish.

Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in flour, making a smooth paste. Mix in chicken broth and milk. Cook and stir until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Mix sauce with spaghetti, cheddar cheese,  chicken, and mushrooms or peppers.. Top with parmesan cheese. Bake about 30 minutes in preheated oven  until temperature reaches 160 degrees or until surface is lightly browned,

It’s easy to cut the recipe in half if you’re  cooking for two.  Or, you can freeze the leftovers to enjoy when everything gets back to normal.  I hope that day is coming soon!



Recovering news junkie here.  I’ve always been a person who loves the news:  two newspapers every morning, 3 different TV stations for evening news .   That’s over.  There is absolutely nothing to read, see, or hear about except  the coronavirus.  I wake up in the morning, and my iphone has numerous updates which are repeated all day long and everywhere on the internet.  By the time 6 o’clock rolls around, I’ve reached the saturation point.   What will the media do when COVID-19 is over?  Surely, there are other things going on in the world.   Stay-At- Home Diary: Week 3

Looked in the basement for a jigsaw puzzle.   Threw them away during our de cluttering project last year.  Why would we keep something that hasn’t been used for decades?  But now, we were sorry.  Asked our son to pick one up at Walmart, but they didn’t have much left.  The puzzle has 750 teensy, tiny,  flimsy pieces.  The puzzles  I remember were much more substantial. Anyway, our living room is now filled with two card tables covered with puzzle pieces.  I helped my husband find the “straight” pieces for the border, but that’s as far as it goes.  He’s on his own now, and from the looks of it, he’ll be lucky if it’s finished by Memorial Day..

Washed all the curtains downstairs.  We’re talking  10 windows here.  When were they last washed?  Not sure. It may have been a couple of years.  They’re sheer and pale blue, so they don’t show the dirt.  But I knew that they were full of dust. Started sneezing as soon as I began.  Taking down, washing, drying and re hanging took about 4 hours.  At least  we’ll remember when we washed them last.  How could you forget the coronavirus activities?

Walked in the park a couple of times, weather permitting.  Sat outside  on sunny days for a short time. .  A little ultraviolet light is good for the immune system and raises your spirits.

Gained two pounds.    We’ve tried to eat healthy; and watch our calories.  But the lack of exercise combined with nervous/bored snacking is taking its toll.  Supposedly, it’s good to be a little overweight at our age.  It helps get you through sickness.  If that’s the case, I’m well prepared.

Consuming plenty of probiotics to boost my immune system:   fruit smoothies made with kefir and yogurt.   A hearty German meal of Bratwurst and sauerkraut.   Did you know  sauerkraut is a powerful probiotic?

A bar of fragrance free Ivory Soap would help: Stay-at-home Diary Week 3
Stay-At-Home Diary: Week 3. I’d give anything for a bar of fragrance free ivory soap for all the hand washing..

Hands getting red and itchy from all the hand washing.  I’ve tried different lotions, but nothing can help when you’re washing your hands about every fifteen minutes. Scented, tinted soaps don’t help.  I’d give anything for a bar of Ivory.

Spent two hours trying to revive my husband’s kindle.  The books wouldn’t download, and I couldn’t figure out why..  Turned out he hasn’t used it for years, and it wasn’t connected to wireless.  GRR.

The novelty of staying home is wearing off for parents. The first week, everyone said it was nice to sleep late and not push themselves.  But now, they’re missing the office and their old routine.  Working from home while taking care of children is a struggle.  I hope everyone stays safe and sane.  God willing, it will soon be over.


A couple of weeks ago, the the CDC advised us not to bother wearing surgical  face masks in public. They said it wouldn’t protect us at all from the coronavirus, and might even make things worse. Because if we touched our face while fiddling around with the mask, we would  be spreading the virus near  the mucous membranes in our mouth and nose.   I believed that.    But guess what?  I’ve changed my mind.   Why do I  wear a face mask when going to the store?

The idea began when I noticed cashiers seemed  apprehensive as I  approached the checkout.   They were unfriendly and didn’t smile.   It occurred to me that they were afraid of my standing so close and breathing on them.  It turns out that stores like Target and Kroger are addressing that fear by installing Plexiglas barriers between the customer and the cash register clerks.

Wearing a fase mask in public relieves fear of others near you
Even though a face mask doesn’t offer protection against the virus, it makes nearby people feel assured that you’re not breathing on them. . That’s why I wear a face mask.

Last Saturday was the first time I went to the drug store wearing a mask.  I was afraid I would stand out, and look kind of freakish.  But  half of the few people in that pharmacy were also wearing face masks.  I was one of the crowd!  By now, I’ve begun wearing a surgical mask to the store simply because I don’t want to spread my germs around.  I have no symptoms, but that doesn’t mean I’m not coming down with the virus.   I’m not wearing the mask to protect myself, so much as to put others at ease.  And this time, the cashier at the checkout was friendly.

Another reason to wear the face mask:  Last night’s weatherman announced we have a high pollen count. People with spring allergies might start sneezing,  but he  cautioned them not to panic. Unless they develop a fever or more serious symptoms they shouldn’t conclude that they have the coronavirus.   I am one of those people allergic to pollen.  My nose drips off and on all spring, depending on what tress are blossoming. If I go to the store with a dripping nose, it’s going to scare people to death.  Wearing the mask filters the pollen so that I don’t sneeze. Also,  no one has to worry that I’m sending droplets into the air.

I’m sure some people are laughing at my face mask.  But that’s the nice part about being over eighty.  I really don’t care.


Having been a hospital department manager for over 25 years, I know the importance of patient privacy. It was strictly enforced when my father was in for a stroke.  I was banned from reading his chart, due to privacy laws.  This meant that people working for me could read his chart, if they were authorized, but I could not. Therefore,  they could not share any information about his condition with me.  I understood that.  However, during this coronavirus epidemic, I think we should make a distinction between patient privacy vs. need to know.

When the crisis first started,  we were told the names of some of the patients– where they worshiped, and where they lived.  Often, we heard  that they had recently been to China or some out of state convention.    Many people were  willing to self report  ( actors Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson) But now, we aren’t being told much about the patients, except their general age group. Different states are willing to share more  information than others.  The state of Washington freely reported the number of nursing home patients with the coronavirus.

My county currently has 3 active corona cases, which isn’t too bad, yet.  We’re a relatively small town (pop 60,000).  But I want to know a bit more. In such a small community, I think we have that right.

This is what I believe  the people in this county should know:  Where  were the patients  before coming down with the virus?  Did they go to the  grocery store where I shop before they  were  diagnosed?  Or to the church I attended?  Were they  college students?  If so, which college?  A snowbird returning to Indiana from another state? What state?  A  nursing home resident?  If so, which nursing home?   Did they smoke, making them more susceptible to complications?

It's important to know if we've been in the same places as COVID-19 patients.
We have to weigh the importance of Patient Privacy vs. Need to Know. You should know if you’ve recently been in the vicinity of someone with COVID-19.

I suppose the response would be that it doesn’t really make any difference.  If we’re washing hands, maintaining social distance, etc. , it’s not important whether or not we’ve been near that person or know when or where he might have contracted the disease.   But psychologically, I think it does make a difference.  If I have shopped at a different supermarket in another end of town, or haven’t attended their  Church, or visited anyone in that nursing home, I can have a little peace of mind, knowing my risk is lower.  However,  if I have been in the vicinity of the sick person, I’ll need to be extra vigilant regarding any new symptoms.  If I get a cough or cold, I  have to face the reality  that I could have contracted the virus.  And  get tested if I start feeling worse.

There’s a difference between patient privacy and the need to know. Right now, we’re being given Too Little Information as to where COVID-19 might have been swirling in the air around us.

That being said,  I think Indiana’s Governor Holcomb has done a fantastic job of managing the crisis and providing statistics.  And I’m proud of my fellow Hoosiers who have social distanced without complaint.


Drove to the Dollar Store for a few things, simply because I’m getting cabin fever.  Only three or four  customers–unsmiling, looking tired and worried. Had the feeling the cash register clerk couldn’t wait to get me out the door. But it sure felt good to be out in the real world again.  Social distance diary: Week 2

My grandpa's outhouse was often out of toilet paper. They used Sears catalog, instead
When my grandpa ran out of toilet paper on the farm, they used Sears Catalog. Social Distance Diary: Week 2

Of course, they were out of toilet paper at the Dollar Store. We have plenty, but I was going to pick up some extra. It got me wondering about what people did without tp. There are alternatives. My grandfathers farm lacked modern plumbing.  Sometimes, there was a Sears  catalog next to the wooden seat in the outhouse.  As a child, I took it in stride, even though we had modern plumbing and toilet paper in our city home.

Found an old Tai Chi CD. Now, I practice with it every day. It’s not the same without my wonderful teacher and fellow classmates, but at least I’m not getting rusty, and it’s helping to calm me down. And, it does give me a bit of exercise.

Finally located a cousin who lives in LA. She’s like a sister to my husband, and he was really upset. She wasn’t answering her phone, and her mailbox was full. We were afraid she had contracted covid-19, and maybe even died. But yesterday we got a call from Mount Cedar, Sinai hospital. She’s recovering from pneumonia—not corona. We’re feeling much relieved, and moods have improved.

Talked to all of my children this weekend. Yes, actual conversations, not texting. Their lives in this modern world are much more complicated than when I was parenting. Living in big cities, they’re always on the run, juggling jobs, driving kids here and there. They have very little time to spend on the telephone. But this weekend, they had nothing urgent, and it was nice having a relaxing conversation.  So far, they’re healthy and safe.  Hope no one gets sick.

No mass shootings this week. Empty malls, churches, schools and restaurants mean that  evil people have no targets. I hope they can’t buy more guns during the crisis.

Sunday brunch at home, since all the restaurants are closed. Tried frozen waffles for the first time. They’re amazingly easy and good. Especially combined with sausage patties. And,  sugar free syrup is only 10 calories per serving.

I’m beginning to adjust to the slower pace. The introverted part of me enjoys the solitude.  At least for a little while.


In the depths of the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in his induction speech: “This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper…. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror….”

In the depth of the depression, Franklin Roosevelt assured the nation, we have nothing to fear but fear, itself
At the depth of the depression, FDR said, “the only thing to fear is fear, itself.”

Initial fears about the spread of COVID-19 were justified.  When you suddenly have thousands of people dying from a new virus with no known vaccine, it’s natural to panic.  Therefore,  the  alarm system  galvanized us into action here in the USA.  We’ve identified the coronavirus,  and the CDC is  doing everything possible to  stop it from spreading here.

But the media has done everything in its power to politicize the virus, and stir up unwarranted panic. There are  about 38,000 deaths per year from automobile accidents.   Does that mean we should stop buying cars?  If we gave in to that type of panic, it would turn the world as we know it upside down.  Goods and services wouldn’t be delivered. Millions of people would lose their jobs in the auto related industries.  No one could  drive to work.

Heart disease and stroke are  leading causes of death.  Why aren’t we worried about obesity,  and the over consumption of red meats  as a  risk factor ? Shall we shut down McDonalds, Steak N Shake and all the restaurants that serve unhealthy meals loaded with saturated fat?  If not, why?  Because it doesn’t make sense.  We know we may or may not get these diseases, so we put that fear out of our minds and go on..


If we let panic rule our lives, most of us would become agoraphobics.  We wouldn’t step out our door for fear of air pollution, getting  a contagious disease, having a car accident and all of the other tragedies that result from  every day interactions with our fellow human beings.

My children are more worried about me than I am.  They point out that I’m in the vulnerable age group—over 65—most apt to die from covid-19.  They don’t realize how many adversities I’ve faced–managed to survive- over the years.   Yes, I might get the coronavirus.  I could also have a  heart attack, or be diagnosed with cancer.  While we’re taking common sense  precautions—avoiding crowds, hand washing, etc.–my husband and I won’t give in to panic.   The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.