What do bars and churches have in common?  In our city this week,  they’ve been hotbeds for spread of the coronavirus.   I think I reported a similar situation some time back, when  the Department of Health issued an alert about those who went to a particular gentlemen’s club on the same weekend  others went to a certain church.  Saints and sinners alert!   These places may give you fever.

Why do people go to church?  Most importantly, because they feel closer to God.  But that’s not the only reason.  They love the sense of community, singing,   finding comfort in troubled times, and relieving stress.

Few people who go to bars are alcoholics.  They’re going to meet,  see  people, relax,  wind down, and break the monotony of life.  Due to the relaxed atmosphere, they’re  more apt  to share ideas and talk about their problems.

These places may give you fiver
Whether you’re singing in a bar or a church, these places can give you fever.

In  both venues, they’re  doing what humans like to do.  Getting close to people,  finding comfort, sharing ideas, talking, singing, maybe even dancing.

Now, look at how long we’ve been in lockdown due to the pandemic. Almost nine months.  It’s no wonder people decide to attend  church and go to bars.   Covid-19 cases are spiking  because of coronavirus fatigue.  You get to the point where you just can’t take it anymore.

As seniors, we’re feeling that same fatigue.   We’re lucky enough to have sons nearby,  but they’re afraid to stay very long for fear of infecting us. We really can’t afford to take any greater risks than going to the grocery store..   At least there, we have a little interaction with another human being at the check out counter.

We’ve even started missing the pizza delivery man..  They now have a no-contact policy.  You order online, pay with a credit card, and include a tip.  They guy runs on your porch, and leaves a pizza on the swing.   It would be nice to at least exchange a few pleasantries, and hand him a cash tip.

I don’t know how long this can go on.  Eventually,  people will go to  places that may give them fever.


What Strip Clubs & Churches Have In Common

Last weekend, about 17 people at a local “Gentlemen’s Club” came down with covid-19.  Contact tracing was pretty tough.  Most people who go to such places don’t advertise their names.  And some wouldn’t want family and friends to know they were there. On the other hand,  it’s easy to contact trace churchgoers who’ve contracted covid-19.  Nothing to be ashamed about when attending church.  And yet, these two places have the same problem.  They’re currently among the worst places for catching covid-19.  What do strip clubs and churches have in common? 

What strip clubs & churches have in common: They're both crowded, feverish places
What strip clubs & churches have in common: They’re both crowded places with lots of yelling and singing.

 For starters, both are high intensity, emotionally charged atmospheres.  If you’re  attending crowded church services or going to a strip club during the pandemic, there’s a feverish quality about it.  You’re throwing caution to the wind in pursuit of your passions or beliefs.   

Consequently, religious services and choirs have been cited as clusters of spread of the coronavirus,  A study published by the CDC  on May 22 shows how the covid-19 can spread in a church setting.  Among 92 people who attended a rural Arkansas church, 35 people developed  covid-19 infections and three people died.  26 more cases linked to the church occurred in the surrounding community, and one person died.

 A crowded church service is one of the most deadly places to be . The combination of singing in close quarters and decreased ventilation is like  a petri dish  for viral growth.   

 Department of Health and Human Services officials say  that  entertainment facilities run the same  risk of bringing large groups of people together for an extended time.  In addition,   social distancing is likely  to fall by the wayside when alcohol is consumed.  Like some fundamentalist churches, strip clubs also require yelling over loud music and singing,  meaning the risk of transmitting COVID-19 is higher. 

Like it or not, attending churches or going to strip clubs during this pandemic is  risky.