Most everyone has someone in their life that they really don’t like.  Sometimes, there’s a good  reason.  Like a co worker who back stabbed you, or a relative who bad mouths you.  I’m not a psychologist, but I’m sure that there are thousands of reasons why we dislike a certain person.  Consequently, it seems they can’t do anything right.   Sometimes, we’re the dislikee-or the person disliked.  We may sense the hostility, or  not realize that a certain person doesn’t wish us well.  Nevertheless,  you can rest assured that nothing you can do will change their mind.  You can  volunteer in Africa, or give a million dollars to their alma mater.  Doesn’t matter.  No matter what you do, their opinion of you will remain the same. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are a perfect example of this phenomenon.  No matter where they go, someone is going to criticize them.  They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Damned if they do or don't. Harry and Meghan can't please their critics
DAMNED IF THEY DO OR DON’T. No matter what they do, someone is going to criticize them.

If they had stayed too long at the Queen’s platinum jubilee, they would have been accused of trying to steal the spotlight. However when they decided to  leave early, the critics  accused them of snubbing the Queen.  They can’t win.

The Meghan haters declared from the git go that she was nothing but a gold digger. That seems pretty insulting to Prince Harry, who happens to be quite a hunk. To me, a gold digger is a young woman who marries an  older unattractive man, simply because he’s rich.  Harry is young, charming and personable. Therefore,  I would imagine he could have attracted  a pretty wife even without his royal title.

Apparently, the English consider Harry to be an ungrateful traitor to the crown. He was supposed to spend his life attending boring ceremonies and playing  second fiddle to the future king, his brother William.  What’s so terrible about deciding he didn’t want to do that?  How many American men leave home at a certain age, and strike out on their own?

They said he trashed the monarchy with his Oprah interview. I can’t see where he trashed anyone.  He didn’t criticize prince Charles for ruining his own mother’s life.  Didn’t accuse anyone in the royal family of doing anything illegal or unsavory.  He simply explained why he wanted to leave England and start a new life in America.

Right now,  they  are  doing what any sensible people  in that same position would do.  Ignore the critics  who can’t be pleased, and go  on with their own lives. They’ve done the best they can.  They aren’t hurting anyone.  If English broadcaster  Piers Morgan  dislikes Harry and Meghan, it’s on him.    Because they’re damned  if they do, and damned if they don’t.

Misogyny Targets Meghan Markle

Women have come a long way in the past 50 years. I came of age at a time when college girls weren’t allowed to wear pants on campus.  Jeans could be worn only to chemistry classes. Assertive women were shunned, especially if they were good looking.  But that all changed in the 60’s, when the pill allowed  women the same  freedom men had always enjoyed. Women no longer have to depend on men for their livelihood.  They now have access to careers  in formerly male -dominated occupations like doctor, lawyers, and engineers.  And yet, when we see the way misogyny targets Meghan Markle, we know it’s alive and well in Britain and all over the world.

Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan dislikes strong women.
Misogyny targets Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan hates strong, powerful women.

Some misogynists simply hate all beautiful women. But  British television reporter Piers Morgan  demonstrates a particular kind of misogyny. They don’t hate beautiful women who conform to their ideal of the way women should act:  women who defer to men in all things, and behave as if they are inferior to men in ability and intelligence.  Morgan’s  particular kind of misogyny  is reserved for women with power and status, who stand up for themselves and make their own decisions.

Why do the British love Kate Middleton and hate Meghan Markle?  Because Kate is nothing more than a wife and mother.  She has never accomplished much of anything on her own.  She came from a wealthy family, and  was called “waity Katy,” because she dated Prince William for 9 years before he finally proposed.. She’s sweet and demure and never challenges the status quo.  She knows what good for her, and that’s to behave more or less like a Stepford Wife.  Look beautiful and fashionable,  and be a good sport when your husband has an affair with your best friend.

But Meghan was a bootstrapper from the git go.  A mixed race child from a marriage that ended in divorce.  A little girl envied and despised by her step siblings. Graduated from Northwestern University, then finally made it as an actress in a popular television series.  Then had the nerve to get a divorce from a man she no longer loved.  This is not what wins the heart of misogynists like Piers Morgan.

Misogyny is alive and well, even in the United States. Misogyny targets Megan Markle,  but you know what?  I think she can handle it.